Practical Electron Microscopy and Database

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2006)

Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - An Online Book

Table of Contents/Index

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

Gabor defocus Gabor’s (in-line) holography
Gadolinium doped ceria oxide (GDC)  
Gain variations in GIF, CCDs & EELS channels  Additional spots due to inadequate gain normalization (in diffractograms obtained by Fourier transformation)
Gain normalization for EELS measurement  
Gallium (Ga)
EDS measurements of gallium EELS of gallium (Ga)
AlGaInP AlGaAs
ZnSSe-based/GaAs heterostructures GaN
GaP GaAs
Compound semiconductor
Gallium contamination due to FIB milling & in FIB deposits
Gallium source in dual beam FIB/SEM & single beam FIB Ga ionic sputter yield in Ga-based FIB & SIMS
Fraction of backscattered Ga ion in FIB milling and SIMS measurement  
Gamma rays  
Ce-doped Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet (YAG)  
EELS of gaseous atoms and molecules Gas-assisted etching in FIB milling
Gaskets in EMs  
Gatan software
Introduction of digital micrograph  Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) software package
GIF mapping module in Digital Micrograph Gatan FireWire adapter (GFA) (DigiScan/Compliant/Legacy ) software/hardware
Tags on Gatan Digital Micrograph Sharpen filter
Line Annotation with and without Length label on DM Arrow annotation on DM
Double arrow annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Box (rectangle) annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Oval annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Spot mask annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Array mask annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Profile function on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Text annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Bandpass mask annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Wedge mask annotation on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Rectangle ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Line ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Point ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Oval ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph Loop ROI and Curve ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph
Gatan Orius SC200D CCD camera Examples of direct electron detectors (e.g. Gatan K2)
Gatan Digital Micrograph Scripts
Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF) software package Functions in Gatan digital micrograph
Reinstallation of Gatan DM on PC connected with TEM system Scripts of input dialogs and popup windows for DM
 Gatan hardware
Gatan/GIF cameras Shutters in TEM system
Entrance aperture in GIF camera Slits in EELS spectrometer and GIF camera
Retractable TV-rate camera Drift tube in GIF system
Quadrupole lens application in GIF system Octupole lens application in GIF system
Sextupole lens application in GIF/EELS systems Hole mask/entrance mask in GIF system
Scanning coils in EELS/GIF systems DigiScan software and hardware
Gatan PIPS (Precision Ion Polishing System) Gatan Instrumentation Bin (GIB)
No GIF images/spectra GIF controllers
Contamination of GIF system GIF gate valve
Pressurized air for EM parts Pneumatic apertures
Water cooling in EMs Vacuum of GIF camera chamber
Vacuum of GIF camera chamber EEL spectra/image shift on camera caused by magnetic objects
Instability of EEL spectra or images due to GIF charging Gatan MultiScan camera complete KIT
Gatan Bioscan Camera  
Gatan hardware and software troubleshooting
Troubleshooting related to GIF software and hardware Troubleshooting related to DigiScan
Cathodoluminescence system and their troubleshooting  
Gate in MOS
Gate in Transistors Leakage current in gate oxide of MOS
PVC (passive voltage contrast) of gate contacts Physical gate length
Problems in poly-Si gate in ICs  
Gata: Metal gate 
Gate oxides Metal oxides
Thermodynamic stability of metal gate oxides in ICs  
Pirani gauge Penning gauge
Gaudefroyite (Ca4Mn3+2.5(BO3)3(CO3)O2.25(OH)0.75) Gauss' law for magnetism
Gauss' law for electricity Gaussian optics in EMs 
 Gaussian distribution
Deviation of Gaussian distribution of defocus due to chromatic aberration Gaussian distribution of electron beam intensity/probe tail
Distortion/asymmetry of X-ray peak from Gaussian shape in EDS Shape of X-ray peak in EDS measurements
 Gaussian Focus 
Minimum (phase-)contrast in (HR)TEM imaging with Gaussian defocus  
Gaussian Focus for Core-Loss EFTEM Imaging   Ronchigram at Gaussian focus
Generation of defects in Crystals   
Geometrical Phase Analysis (GPA)
 Geometric aberration Key Geometric, Materials, Thermal, and Electrical Tolerances in SEM
EELS energy resolution limited by geometric aberration Geometric-aberration free: ideal (first-order) trajectories of electrons
 Germanium (Ge)
EDS measurement of germanium EELS measurement of germanium
Phase diagram of germanium-X Extinctions and weak spots showing in electron diffraction patterns of germanium
Comparison of various X-ray spectrometers Lithium drifted & intrinsic germanium EDS detectors
Solid solubility of various impurities in germanium GexSbyTez (GST)
Ge-based metallic-glass alloys SiGe/Si system and its defects
Gibbs free energy
Gibbs free energy change due to alloy formation
“Ghost Feature” in 2-D diffractograms Gjönnes-Moodie (G-M) extinctions/lines in electron diffraction patterns
Glaser’s “Glockenfeld” (bell-shaped field) in EMs Glide/slip planes and glide/slip directions
Cooling rate to make metallic glasses from melts Glass transition of metallic glasses
Glass forming ability (GFA) from melts Reduced glass transition temperature
Critical casting thickness for formation of metallic glass alloys from melts  
Glide dislocation Glide and dislocation loops
 Gold (Au)
EELS measurement of gold (Au) EDS measurement of gold (Au)
HRTEM and diffraction of gold (Au) particles & single crystals Special application of gold in EM-related devices
Gold in ICs Phase diagram of gold-X
Gold nanoparticles Au-based metallic-glass alloys
Adhesion between gold and other materials  
Golden mean/golden ratio and quasicrystals  
Goldschmidt tolerance factor
Goniometer stages in TEMs
 Grain boundary dissociation and Interfacial reconstruction in polycrystals
9R structure at grain boundaries in FCC materials BCC structure at grain boundaries in FCC materials
HCP structure at grain boundaries in FCC materials EELS analysis of grain boundaries
Grain boundary measurements with EBSD  
Grain boundary in polycrystalline materials 
Crystalline structure of "perfect" grain boundary Energy of atoms at grain boundaries
<110> tilt twin and grain boundaries in FCC materials Σ3 grain and twin boundaries in FCC materials
Σ11 grain and twin boundaries in FCC materials Σ43 grain and twin boundaries in FCC materials
Σ99 grain and twin boundaries in FCC materials Preferential electron-beam etching of grain boundaries
Diffusion/penetration/diffusivity of elements through grain boundaries Preferential ion milling at grain boundaries
Grain-boundary grooving mechanism/model
Grain boundary diffusion mechanism of electromigration in interconnects in ICs
Grain boundary strength Effect of grain boundary on electrical properties
Dangling-bonds in grain boundaries Measurement of elemental segregation at grain boundaries
 Grain growth
Grain growth induced by FIB milling Crystal growth
 Grain orientation
Ionic sputter yield depending on grain orientation Evaluation of grain orientations based on electron backscattering
Evaluation of grain orientation based on Kikuchi lines/bands Different TEM techniques for crystalline grains in various sizes
Orientation relationship between two crystals/grains  
Grain size
Evaluation of grain size by XRD technique Grain size dependence of electromigration-induced failures
Grain size/boundary determination by FIB Broadening of diffraction intensities depending on grain size
Analysis of graphene using EMs Graphite
Graphite as negative electrodes in lithium batteries  
Grazing incidence optics Great circles in Wulff Net
Grease of vacuum seals Green’s function
TEM specimen grids for EDS analysis  
Groove edges Gun lens in EMs
Ground-state energy of inner-shell electron Gun-alignment and its coil control system/gun shift and tilt in EMs
Generating a pulsed electron beam using microwave and pulsed RF-based guns in EMs Gun axis in EMs
Group theory