Practical Electron Microscopy and Database

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2006)

Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - An Online Book

Table of Contents/Index

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

Hafnium (Hf)  
EELS measurement of hafnium EDS measurement of hafnium
HfO2/HfOx HfSiO4
Formed ZrO2, HfO2, and HfZrOx (HZO) films for high-k dielectrics Hf-X phase diagrams
Halite/rock salt Halo feature in electron diffraction patterns
Halogens in Periodic table & halogen gases    
Hard X-rays Hard collision between charged particle and atom
Hartree-Slater model for electron excitation modeling & EELS HD 2700C electron microscope
Heat generation/temperature rise by irradiation of electron beams Heating versus phonons formed in EMs
TEM/STEM heating holders Heat capacity and specific heat of materials
Heavy elements
Contrast difference between heavy and light elements EDS quantification of heavy elements
Helical trajectory/image rotation & inversion in magnetic fields Energy-loss mechanisms in a head-on collision between an incident electron and nucleus
Helium  (He)
HeIM or SHIM (scanning helium ion microscopy)  EELS Measurement of Helium (He)
TEM observation of helium Helium (He) sputtering
Hematite/haematite (Fe2O3) Hermann-Mauguin/international notations for symmetry elements
ZnSSe-based/GaAs heterostructures  
Hexagonal crystal systems/HCP (hexagonal close-packed structure; α-phase) 
Relationship between the hexagonal and primitive rhombohedral unit cells HRTEM imaging and electron diffraction of hexagonal symmetry
Tables of Burgers vectors of defects in hexagonal structures Comparison between hexagonal and C54
Comparison between hexagonal and tetragonal (or orthorhombic) cells
Hexagonal wurtzite structure Two-dimensional hexagonal atomic sheet
HCP structure at grain boundaries in FCC materials Standard indexed diffraction patterns for hcp crystals 
Indexing of trigonal and hexagonal systems Examples of indexed electron diffraction patterns of HCP crystals
6 point group -6 point group
6/m point group 622 point group
6mm point group -62m point group
6/mmm point group c/a ratios in hcp structures
Hexagonal space groups
P (primitive) lattices & their space groups  
P6 (168) P61 (169)
P65 (170) P62 (171)
P64 (172) P63 (173)
P-6 (174) P6/m (175)
P63/m (176) P622 (177)
P6122 (178) P6522 (179)
P6222 (180) P6422 (181)
P6322 (182) P6mm (183)
P6cc (184) P63cm (185)
P63mc (186) P-6m2 (187)
P-6c2 (188) P-62m (189)
P-62c (190) P6/mmm
P6/mcc (192) P63/mcm (193)
P63/mmc (194) P6m2
Hexapole/sextupole/double-hexapole design for Cs corrector in EMs Hexapole for chromatic aberration (Cc) corrections
Hexapole/sextupole lens application in GIF system  
Detection of high energy X-rays in EDS High pressure freezing (HPF) for TEM sample preparation
Pumps for high and ultra-high vacuums High contrast aperture in TEMs
Comparison of EDS measurements with low- & high-energy incident electrons High entropy alloys (HEAs)
High angle
High angle elastic scattering of electrons High angle elastic scattering of ions
Electrons emitted at low & high angles from electron guns High-angle electron scattering in EMs
 High-angle annular dark- field (HAADF) imaging
HAADF detectors   Contrast analysis of HAADF-STEM images
Atomic number (Z)-contrast Imaging on STEM  Incoherence in HAADF imaging
Rutherford (elastic) scattering & HAADF Thermal diffuse (quasi-elastically) scattering (TDS)
Aberration correction for HAADF imaging Thickness requirements of TEM samples for HAADF STEM
Sample requirements for high resolution atomic-number contrast HAADF imaging Electron channeling in HAADF STEM imaging
Simulation of HAADF-STEM images Determination of specimen thickness by HAADF-STEM
HAADF-STEM images of amorphous metallic glasses Thermal-diffuse-scattering in in-situ heating HAADF-STEM
Comparison between HRTEM and HR-HAADF-STEM imaging Comparison between BF (bright field), ADF (annular dark field) and HAADF (high angle annular dark field) STEM images
High-k dielectric materials/oxides 
EELS analysis of high-k dielectric materials  
High power devices (of ICs)  
High order laue zone (HOLZ) in TEM diffraction   
Shift of HOLZ patterns relative to ZOLZ patterns Higher order Laue zones (HOLZ) lines in CBED
Indexing HOLZ patterns Radius of HOLZ rings
Splitting of HOLZ lines in CBED patterns  
 High-resolution in EMs
High-resolution EELS (HREELS) Advanced/atomic/high resolution/latest SEMs
HRSEM/high resolution SEM imaging HRSTEM/high resolution STEM imaging  
High Resolution TEM (HRTEM) and its improvement 
Minimum (phase-)contrast in (HR)TEM imaging with Gaussian defocus Maximum (phase-)contrast in (HR)TEM imaging (with Scherzer defocus)
Electron beam coherence vs HRTEM Comparison between HRTEM and HR-HAADF-STEM imaging
Intensity distribution of HRTEM image Performance criteria in HRTEM
Information limit in HRTEM Thon rings in bright-filed imaging
Best defocus condition for HRTEM imaging Structure factor and HRTEM
Phase of Fourier components in HRTEM images Amplitudes of HRTEM image
Fourier transform and FFT of HRTEM image of crystalline materials Fourier transform and FFT of HRTEM image of amorphous materials
Objective aperture for HRTEM imaging Aberrations and imaging requirements for small field of view in EMs
High resolution TEM imaging dependence on unit cell size HRTEM imaging of cubic structures
HRTEM imaging of hexagonal symmetry HRTEM imaging of perovskite structures
HRTEM images of atomic short-range ordering in crystals Phase extension procedure
HRTEM and electron diffraction of crystals with trigonal symmetry HRTEM imags of orthorhombic crystalline structures
Accuracy of angle measurement in HRTEM and FFT images HRTEM images & electron diffraction of amorphous metallic glasses
Accuracy of lattice spacing measurements by HRTEM/FFT/electron diffraction Crossed lattice fringes to form HRTEM images
HRTEM analysis of light elements Comparisons between HRTEM and EELS techniques
Determination of crystal structures using HRTEM technique  
High-Resolution TEM (HRTEM) identification of defects in materials
BCC structure at grain boundaries in FCC materials Chevron Defect
 High voltage
Accelerating voltage/tube in EMs  
Advantages and disadvantages of low-/high-voltage TEM & STEM Electron-gun high-voltage power supply in EMs
High voltage fluctuation/stability in microscopes Ultrahigh voltage TEMs
Wobbler for high tension in TEM/STEM High tension offset for image filtering for elemental analysis
Development history of silicon drift detectors History of electron microscopies (EMs)
History of TEM Development history of SEM technique
History of EBSD development History of EELS technique
  Development history of X-ray analysis for EMs
History of In Situ/environmental TEM/STEM observations Development history of silicon drift detectors
Highlight bright features in EM images  
Hitachi Advanced Research Laboratory & Its EMs Hilbert-type phase plates for TEMs
TEM/STEM specimen holders Side-entry goniometer stages/holders in TEMs/STEMs
Top-entry goniometer stages/holders in TEMs/STEMs Damage of TEM specimen holder
Mounting of TEM grid in grid-holder of FIB system STM holders for EMs
EDS-TEM specimen holders Sample stage in FIB systems
Vacuum at EM stages  
TEM/STEM holders for in-situ synthesis and characterizations 
TEM holders for in-situ chemical processes Liquid/gas TEM and STEM stage and holder
TEM/STEM holders for in-situ electrical biasing TEM/STEM holders for in-situ nano-indentation analysis
TEM/STEM holders for strain analysis Piezo drive TEM/STEM holders
TEM/STEM cooling holders TEM/STEM heating holders
“Hole Count” in X-ray measurements Hole/bubble/void in materials  
Hole mask in Gatan system (Holey) carbon supports for EM analysis
Gabor’s (in-line) holography Digital holography
Holography: Electron holography
In-line electron holography Requirements to form electron hologram
Fringe spacing in electron holography Procedure to produce electron holography images
Spatial resolution of electron holography Gabor defocus
Theory for simulating and reconstructing electron holograms Unique measurements by holography
Artifacts in electron holography measurements Spatial coherence/incoherence in EMs
Dopant deactivation induced by FIB sample preparation TEM sample thickness determination by electron holography
Electron holography study of nanoparticles Strain analysis using electron holography
Optimization of specimen thickness for electron holography analysis Comparison between CBED and electron holography
 Holography: Off-axis electron holography Software programs for TEM holography
Experiments and analysis of off-axis electron holography Aberration correction using off-axis electron holography technique
Measurement of electric field/dopant/p-n junction using off-axis electron holography Measurement of magnetic field using off-axis electron holography
Fiber in Möllenstedt–Düker biprisms for off-axis electron holography Reconstruction of off-axis holograms
Artifacts in off-axis electron holograms: distortions Interference width in off-axis hologram
Voltage at biprism filament in off-axis electron holography Deflection angle in off-axis electron holography
Lorentz lens/mode for TEMs  
Holohedral point groups Hough transform
Hume-Rothery (HR) compounds Hybrid EMs
Hybridization  Hybrid Pixel Array Detector (PAD): A direct electron detector
sp3 hybridization sp2 hybridization
Hydrocarbon (HC) 
Hydrocarbon (HC) & carbon contamination of EM specimens  
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching  
Hydrogen (H & H2)
EELS Measurements of hydrogen (H) HCl
Hydrogen bonding-type substances  
Hydrogenic model for electron excitation modeling  
Ferroelectric dielectric hysteresis & hysteresis loop Hysteresis factor in electron microscopes
Hysteresis removal in electron microscopes