Practical Electron Microscopy and Database

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2006)

Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - An Online Book

Table of Contents/Index

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

L-family of characteristic X-ray emission Large uniform-thickness FIB-TEM specimen preparation
Large electron source Laue groups & centrosymmetric space groups
Laue class/Laue symmetry Laue‘s diffraction condition
Large angle convergent beam electron diffraction (LACBED)
Dislocation detection by CBED and LACBED  
EELS measurement of lanthanum EDS measurement of lanthanum
Lanthanum Titanate (LaTiO3) Superlattice of SrTiO3 and LaTiO3
Atomic-number contrast of lanthanum ions La1.2CrS3.2
La2O3 LaAlO3
La2CuSnO6 LaMnO3
La-based metallic-glass alloys La2-xBaxCuO4
LaB6 electron guns and their microscopes Comparison between different electron sources/guns
Larmor frequency in EMs Laplace's equation
Lattice distortion Lattice point/motif/basis
Lattice mismatch & misfit dislocation separation  
Lattice systems
Lattice parameters of minerals Lattice-fringe visibility and its band
Lattice-fringe visibility maps Lattice-fringe/structural fingerprinting
Planes in lattice system of crystals Directions in lattice system of crystals
Determination of Burgers vector of lattice defects One-dimensional (1-D) lattice
Two-dimensional (2-D) lattice Three-dimensional (3-D) lattice
Number of lattice points (atoms) per unit cell Lattice type
Lattice parameters (constants/spacing): Introduction 
Change of lattice parameter due to doping TEM experimental determination of lattice parameters
d-spacings/real crystal spacings & d-Ratio Accuracy of lattice spacing measurements by HRTEM/FFT/electron diffraction
Lattice parameter measurement of single particles Determination of lattice parameters/strain by plasmon EELS
Semiconducting laser diodes (LDs) Cost of lasers and lights
Laser stimulated seebeck effect imaging (SEI) Laser beam direct writing (LBW)
Comparison between Electron-Beam-Probing (eBP) and Laser Voltage Imaging/Probing (LVI/LVP)  
Penetration depth of a laser into materials Laser-based pulsed electron beam generation for EMs
Laves structure/phase  
Lead (Pb)  
EDS measurement of lead (Pb) EELS of lead
Lead magnesium niobate [Pb(Mgm/nNbn-m/n)O3, PMN] Pb1-pCr2X4-p (X = ˆS, Se)
Misfit layer chalcogenides: (AX)1+δ(BX2)n (A =ˆ rare earth/Sn/Pb/Sb/Bi; B =ˆ Ti/V/Cr/Nb/Ta; X =ˆ S/Se) PbxNb1.17W1.0O5.93+x
PbTiO3 Lead Iodide (PbI2)
Lead applied in EM systems Pb-based metallic-glass alloys
Least squares Linear least squares fitting technique
Digital-filtered least-squares peak fitting for EDS quantification  
Length and location of aberration correctors  
Aplanatic lenses and aplanatic points Gun lens in EMs
Side-entry and top-entry lens in TEM systems    
 Lens/real lens in EMs and FIB (Introduction)
Aperture effect/function of lens Functions of electron lens in EMs
Relationship between lens & Fourier transformation Lens strength in electron microscopes  
Lens requirement in EMs Superconducting lens for EMs
Lenses for fine probe/beam formation in EMs 'Mini' lens 
Concave lens in electron microscopes Ideal/perfect lenses in EMs
Stability/instability of lens currents in EMs Projector lenses in TEMs
Intermediate/diffraction lens Electrostatic gun lens in EMs
Copper windings of wire in electromagnetic lenses Iron (Fe) shroud in electromagnetic lenses
Octopole and other lenses in FIB Divergent lenses
Lens defects in EMs
Astigmatism in EMs Chromatic aberration in EMs
Spherical aberration in EMs Coma in EMs
Distortion of images in EMs  
Lenz model for elastic and inelastic scattering distribution simulation Lichte’s defocus
Lifetime of electron gun  
“Lift-out” FIB-TEM specimen preparation technique In situ FIB lift-out TEM sample preparation
Light Ligand field theory
Electron relaxation and light/cathodoluminescence ZnSSe-based/GaAs heterostructures
Attenuation of light Ultraviolet light
Light technology
Cost of lasers and lights  
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
Light emission efficiencies in LEDs  
Light/low-atomic-number element 
Contrast difference between heavy and light elements EDS quantification of light elements
Spatial resolution of EDS on light element matrices EDS of light elements
HRTEM analysis of light elements  
  Light/optical microscopes
Light microscope and Zacharias Janssen   Comparison between optical/light and electron microscopes
In situ observation in optical microscopes Spatial resolution of light microscopes
 Limit in EMs
Limitations: not all aberration correctors are useful/economic for EMs or applications TEM contrast limit of chemical elements
Factors limiting imaging and spectroscopy in TEM Scherzer expression/resolution/limit
Limiting radius ratio/radius ratio rule Line annotation with and without length label on DM
LER (Line Edge Roughness) and LWR (Linewidth Roughness) in CD (Critical Dimension) Measurements   
Line ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph  
Line defects
Dark-line defects  
Line focus in EMs  
Linear lossless dielectrics Linear contrast transfer theory
Linear lossy dielectrics Linear imaging conditions in TEM 
Linear least squares fitting technique Linearization of voltage contrast in SEM
Liquid TEM and STEM stage and holder In Situ liquid TEM/STEM analysis
Liquid-metal ion source (LMIS)
Analysis of liquids
 Liquid nitrogen
Liquid nitrogen (N2) cooled cryostat (e.g. in EDS detectors) Funnels used to fill cold traps with liquid nitrogen for EMs
List of notations in the book  
Lithium (Li)
EELS measurement of lithium element TEM observation of lithium (Li)
(HAADF) STEM images of lithium (Li)
Lithium drifted & intrinsic germanium EDS detectors
Comparison of various X-ray spectrometers Lithium fluoride (LiF)
Aluminum-lithium (Al-Li) based alloys Lithium-titanium-oxide anodes for batteries
Lithium-drifted silicon diodes & Si(Li) EDS detectors  Lithium ion batteries
FIB lithography Electron beam lithography (EBL)
Comparison between FIB, electron beam and laser beam techniques Proximity effect in lithography
Live time in EDS measurements Local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS)
Long range ordering (LRO) in materials Longitudinal spherical aberration
Glide and dislocation loops Ostwald ripening/coarsening of dislocation loops
Loop ROI and Curve ROI on Gatan DigitalMicrograph  
Energy-loss mechanisms in a head-on collision between an incident electron and nucleus
Electrons emitted at low & high angles from electron guns Lower- & upper-objective polepiece in TEMs and STEMs
Low standby power devices Low-angle annular dark field (LAADF)
Low angle elastic scattering and coherence in TEM Low vacuum SEM 
Low index planes  
Low energy
EELS measurements with low-energy incident electrons Unique phenomena occurring at low energy of incident electrons
X-ray generation due to low-energy incident electrons Low-energy X-rays and elemental quantification
Low-loss region in EELS  
Analysis of low energy loss in EFTEM and EELS Modeling of electronic structure by low-loss EELS
Determination of band gap from low-loss spectra in EELS  
Low voltage  
Advantages and disadvantages of low-/high-voltage TEM and STEM Low voltage EMs in biological applications
Optimized low voltage EMs for high performances (e.g. with Cs correctors) Low-voltage scanning electron microscopy (LVSEM)
Low voltage energy dispersive spectroscopy (LVEDS) or low-energy X-ray emission spectroscopy (LEXES) Comparison of EDS measurements with low- & high-energy incident electrons
Comparison between low- and high-voltage (S)TEM measurements
Lorentz force of moving electron in magnetic field Loss of elements in EM specimen detected by EDS
Lorentz lens/mode for TEMs Lorentzian distribution
Cathodoluminescence Electroluminescence (EL) technique
Lα X-ray emission Lβ X-ray emission
L2,3 edges of EELS: white lines for 3d transition metals and their alloys L2,3 edges of EELS: white lines for 4d transition metals and their alloys
L3/L2 ratio in analysis of white lines in EEL spectrum