Practical Electron Microscopy and Database

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2006)

Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - An Online Book

Table of Contents/Index

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

n-contacts/n-well contacts in ICs   
PVC of n-well contacts in ICs PVC of n-contacts in p-well in ICs
PVC of p-contacts in n-well in ICs  
Nabarro–Herring creep: Void formation  
Nanobeam diffraction (NBD)
Probe shift in TEM system when switching between NBD and other modes Strain measurement with nanobeam diffraction (NBD)
Comparison between CBED and SAD (selected area diffraction)  
TEM/STEM holders for in-situ nano-indentation  
Nanometer sized objects
EELS analysis of nanometer sized objects Applications of plasmon mode in EELS for nanostructures
Requirements and preparation of nano-particles TEM samples Diffraction analysis of small area or nanoparticles by TEM and XRD
Carbon supports for EM analysis Poor signal-to-noise-ratio for EELS of nanostructures
Challenges of TEM analysis on nanoparticles Lattice-fringe/structural fingerprinting
Structural properties of nanomaterials Lattice parameter measurement of single particles
XRD analysis of particles and nanostructures Precession electron diffraction applications on nanostructures
Energy level diagrams for single atoms, dimers, clusters & bulk materials Melting point of nano-structures
Number of atoms at surface of and in nanoparticles Electron holography study of nanoparticles
Nano-dendrites and their formation  
NanoMEGAS systems, Topspin, and ASTAR software package Nanoprobing technique for IC failure analysis
Nearest neighbor distances
Study of nearest neighbor distances by EXELFS  
Near Edge X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS)
Near infrared
Negative (anode) & positive (cathode) electrode materials for lithium batteries  
Negative charging case of passive voltage contrast (PVC) in SEM Negative spherical aberrations
Neon (Ne)
EELS measurement of neon (Ne) element Neon (Ne) ion sputtering yield in milling
Neutron diffraction  
Newton-Lorentz equation Newton’s law in EMs
Nickel (Ni)
EELS Measurement of Nickel (Ni) EDS analysis of nickel (Ni)
Zrx–Nby–Cuz–Nim–Aln alloys Ni-doped Fe/nickel in iron
X-Ni phase diagrams Ni-based metallic-glass alloys
Diffusion coefficients of elements in nickel Ni-Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ)
Ni5P2 Atomic number contrast of nickel (Ni)
 Nickel silicides (e.g. Ni2Si/NiSi/NiSi2)
Nickel application in microelectronics Nickel Silicide Failure Modes in IC devices
Comparison between nickel silicides and cobalt silicides  
Niobium (Nb)  
EELS measurement of niobium (Nb)  EDS measurement of niobium (Nb)
Lead magnesium niobate [Pb(Mgm/nNbn-m/n)O3, PMNO] K2O·7Nb2O5 crystals
PbxNb1.17W1.0O5.93+x Zrx–Nby–Cuz–Nim–Aln alloys
Misfit layer chalcogenides: (AX)1+δ(BX2)n (A =ˆ rare earth/Sn/Pb/Sb/Bi; B =ˆ Ti/V/Cr/Nb/Ta; X =ˆ S/Se) Niobium tungsten oxides
NaNbO3 Niobium oxides
Atomic number contrast of niobium (Nb) Nb-based metallic-glass alloys
Nitrogen (N)
EELS of nitrogen (N) EDS measurement of nitrogen
Atomic-number contrast of nitrogen ions Liquid nitrogen
X-N phase diagrams Nitride semiconductors
InN Silicon nitride (Si3N4)
TaSiNx Oxynitride 
Cu/TiN/TiSi2/Si Contacts 
Nitrogen atmosphere for annealing for semiconductors Copper (Cu) with dielectric diffusion barrier SiCxNy
Compound semiconductor Silicon/nitrogen implantation application to suppress IC failure
Nitrogen solubility in materials Nitrogen and its application in EMs
NH3 Boron nitride (BN)
NiFe Nobel Prize awarded in the fields of TEM and materials
 Noble Gases 
Noble gases in periodic table    
Node (in ICs)  
Dark current noise Noise in STEM imaging
Noise intensity of diffractograms Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in the EELS Spectrum 
Electron beam current noise in EMs Poor signal-to-noise-ratio for EELS of nanostructures
Electronic noise in TEM/STEM/SEM/EELS/EDS systems Noise peaks in EDS measurement
Streaking/noise artifact in TEM/STEM images
Noise reduction
Artifact reduction in EM image recording Noise reduction by binning in CCD
Mean filters for noise reduction Deconvolution for noise reduction in EEL spectra
Non-centrosymmetric space groups  
Nondestructive: Visual inspection for destructive and/or nondestructive analysis of IC devices Non-linear lossless dielectrics
Non-linear lossy dielectrics Non visible defects: Identification of soft failure and non visible defects in ICs
Non-isochromaticity of energy filter
Iso-chromatic imaging in EFTEM  
Non-linear components of TEM image intensity    
Nonmetals in periodic table   Notation list in the book
Notation for crystal structures
Crystallographic point group notations/description  
Crystallographic space group notations/description Hermann-Mauguin/international notations for symmetry elements
Nonvolatile electrical memory devices  
NSS EDS software 
Kernel size in NSS EDS analysis  
Nucleation rate
Interaction between incident electron beam and atomic nuclei  Energy-loss mechanisms in a head-on collision between an incident electron and nucleus
Number of electrons in electron beam in EMs Number of diffraction spots formed on screen/detector in TEM
Number of valence electrons involved in plasmon scattering Number of lattice points (atoms) per unit cell
Purchase/buy/sales/service of new EM systems  Purchase/buy/sale/service of TEM systems and acceptance specifications of new systems
Numerical aperture Nyquist frequency/Nyquist limit