Table 1153. Oxidation states (oxidation number, degree of oxidation) of elements in periodic table.
Element |
Most (predominant) stable states |
Other states |
1 |
H |
2 |
He |
3 |
Li |
Li+ |
4 |
Be |
Be2+ |
Free Be2+ ion cannot exist |
Its compounds are
either covalent or contain solvated ions |
Be shows properties extremely different from the other elements
in Group 2 |
5 |
B |
B3+ |
Non-metallic element
due to its considerably high first, second and third
ionization energies, though with some metallic characteristics |
6 |
C |
C4+ |
C4- in hydrocarbons |
Typical non-metal |
7 |
N |
N3+, N5+, N3- in NH3 |
Typical non-metal |
8 |
O |
O2+ in OF2 |
Non-metal |
9 |
F |
The most reactive element in the Periodic Table |
10 |
Ne |
11 |
Na |
Na+ |
12 |
Mg |
Mg2+ |
Its compounds are
either covalent or contain solvated ions |
13 |
Al |
Al3+ |
Metallic element, it is very similar to Be |
14 |
Si |
Si4+ |
15 |
P |
P5+ |
P3- e.g. in Na3P, P3+ |
16 |
S |
S6+ |
Non-metal |
17 |
Cl |
Cl- |
Cl+, Cl3+, Cl5+, Cl7+ |
18 |
Ar |
19 |
K |
K+ |
20 |
Ca |
Ca2+ |
Its compounds are
either covalent or contain solvated ions |
21 |
Sc |
22 |
Ti |
Ti4+ |
Ti2+, Ti3+ |
23 |
V |
V4+ |
24 |
Cr |
Cr3+ |
25 |
Mn |
26 |
Fe |
27 |
Co |
28 |
Ni |
29 |
Cu |
30 |
Zn |
Zn2+ |
Zn+ |
31 |
Ga |
Ga3+ |
Metallic element |
32 |
Ge |
Ge4+ |
Ge+ and Ge2+ at GeO2/Ge interface [1], Ge2+ in GeI2 |
33 |
As |
Non-metal |
As3+, As5+ |
As3+ is not stable and can be oxidized to As5+ |
34 |
Se |
Se2-, Se4+ in H2SeO3, Se6+: e.g. Se4+ in SeO32-,
Se6+ in SeO42-, Se2- is water-soluble |
Semiconductor |
35 |
Br |
Br+, Br3+, Br5+, Br7+ |
36 |
Kr |
A few compounds of krypton have been reported |
37 |
Rb |
Rb+ |
38 |
Sr |
Sr2+ |
Its compounds are
either covalent or contain solvated ions |
39 |
Y |
40 |
Zr |
41 |
Nb |
42 |
Mo |
43 |
Tc |
44 |
45 |
Rh |
46 |
Pd |
47 |
Ag |
48 |
Cd |
Cd2+ |
Cd+ |
49 |
In |
In3+ [2] |
Metallic element |
50 |
Sn |
Sn2+, Sn4+ |
51 |
Sb |
Sb3+, Sb5+ |
52 |
Te |
Te4+ in H2TeO3 |
Semiconductor |
53 |
I |
I- |
I+, I3+, I5+, I7+in IF7 and IO4- |
54 |
Xe |
The first xenon compounds were
synthesized in 1962 |
55 |
Cs |
Cs+ |
56 |
Ba |
Ba2+ |
Its compounds are
either covalent or contain solvated ions |
57 |
La |
58 |
Ce |
59 |
Pr |
60 |
Nd |
61 |
Pm |
62 |
Sm |
63 |
Eu |
64 |
Gd |
65 |
Tb |
66 |
Dy |
67 |
Ho |
Er |
Tm |
Yb |
Lu |
Hf |
Ta |
W |
Re |
Os |
Ir |
Pt |
79 |
Au |
Hg |
Hg2+, Hg+ |
Hg4+ in HgF4 |
Tl |
Tl3+, and Tl+ in some cases |
Metallic element |
Pb |
Pb2+ (e.g. Pb2+ in most organic compounds) |
Pb4+ in oxidizing agent PbO2, PbCl4, and PbF4 |
Bi |
Bi3+ |
Bi5+ |
Metal |
Po |
Metal |
At |
Rn |
Fr |
Fr+ |
Ra |
Ra2+ |
Its compounds are
either covalent or contain solvated ions |
Ac |
Ac3+ |
Th |
91 |
Pa |
92 |
U |
[1] L. de los Santos Valladares, A. Bustamante Dominguez, A. Ionescu, A. Brown, A. Sepe, U. Steiner, O. Avalos Quispe, S. Holmes, Y. Majima, R. Langford and C. H. W. Barnes, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 31 (2016) 125017 (11).
[2] G. Rakhymbay, M. K. Nauryzbayev, B. D. Burkitbayeva, A. M. Argimbaeva, R. Jumanova, A. P. Kurbatov, M. Eyraud, P. Knauth, and F. Vacandio, Electrochemical Deposition of Indium: Nucleation Mode and Diffusional Limitation, Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 99–105.