TEM Specimen Preparation for Defect Analysis in Amorphous Materials
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -


This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Different techniques can be applied to prepare TEM specimens from amorphous materials.

Miller and Gibson [1] reported that SiO2 (silicon oxide) TEM specimen in thickness of 4 - 6 nm was used to investigate the point defects in the amorphous materials based on FFT and inverse FFT techniques. They also claimed that the point defects in the SiO2 films are about 0.7 nm in size.

TEM specimens of Zr55Al10Ni5Cu30 amorphous alloy [2] were prepared by mechanically thinning 3-mm discs to 80 μm thick, and then by the standard twin-jet electrolytic thinning in an HCIO4–C2H5OH solution (volume ratio 1 : 10) at −25 °C, finally by the low-angle (5°) ion milling thinning for about 10 min. The goal of the ion milling step is to remove the residual chemicals attached on the specimen surface during the twin-jet thinning.





[1] Peter D. Miller and J. Murray Gibson, Connecting small-angle diffraction with real-space images by quantitative transmission electron microscopy of amorphous thin-Þlms, Ultramicroscopy 74 (1998) 221-235.
[2] Deng Yu-Fu, Yang Fei, Yang Jian-Lin, and Zhang Wei, The increasing of localized free volume in bulk metallic glass under uniaxial compression, Chinese Physics, 16(7), (2007) 2051.




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