Physical Modeling of EDS Background
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In the Physical Modeling method, Bremsstrahlung background can be simulated based on the assumed rough composition of the specimen. In this mode, the absorption edges of the elements can also be calculated.

For instance, Figure 1726a shows the physical fit of background of an EDX spectrum, taken from an alloy with P 49.29 at.% and In 50.71 at.%, in Bruker software. In this software, P/B-ZAF is optimized for this fit method. On the other hand, this fit method also can be applied to the Phi-Rho-Z case.


Figure 1726a. Physical fit of background of an EDX spectrum, taken from an alloy with P 49.29 at.% and In 50.71 at.%, in Bruker software. [1]

Figure 1726b shows the EDX spectrum of bismuth (Bi). The bremsstrahlung background in grey was obtained by physical modeling. In the spectrum, the absorption edges of the X-ray lines of the elements (Al contact, Si dead layer) on the detector surface are also visible.

EDX spectrum of bismuth (Bi)

Figure 1726b. EDX spectrum of bismuth (Bi). [2]


















[1] Quantification of EDS spectra, Bruker.
[2] QUANTAX, EDS Analysis for SEM and TEM, Bruker.
