Distortion/Asymmetry of X-ray Peak from Gaussian Shape in EDS - Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - - An Online Book - |
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At high energies, the X-ray peak generated by the detector is reasonably well described by a Gaussian function (see page1755). However, most of measured X-ray peaks are broadened and are not perfectly Gaussian but have some asymmetrical distortions due to the way the electron-hole pairs are counted. In fact, the X-ray peak distortion is induced by non-uniform regions near the surfaces and sides of the detector. In this case, recombination of electron-hole pairs at the traps and recombination sites distorts the output. According to the Hyperment function, the systematic, energy-dependent
asymmetry of the X-ray peaks measured from the photon-detector interactions can be theoretically obtained by adding two analytical expressions S(E) and D(E) to describe the spectroscopic features. [1] Therefore, the measured X-ray line shape P(E) as a function of the analyzed photon energy E, can be given by, In EDS measurements, there are mainly two typical artifacts that induce distortion (or deviation) from the Gaussian shape of an X-ray peak and its calibration: The input count rate of EDS detector is normally selected so that the system deadtime is generally less than 30%-50% in order to minimize the effects of pulse pileup and peak distortion. For the identification of the elements that have low-energy X-rays only, a single peak will eventually be available. In this case, the analyst must taken advantage of every feature available, such as the asymmetry of the L and M peaks due to the relative heights and separations of the Lα–Lβ and Mα–Mβ peak pairs.
[1] J. L. Campbell, A. Perujo and B. M. Millman, Analytic description of Si(Li) spectral lineshapes due to monoenergetic photons, X-Ray Spectrometry, 16(5), 195–201, 1987.