Electron microscopy
Structure Factor Fhkl
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For crystals, the scattering density of electron scattering, X-ray scattering, or neutron scattering can be given by the Fourier series,
         scattering density of electron scattering, X-ray scattering, or neutron scattering ------------------------------ [1845a]
         Vc -- The unit cell volume.
         Fh (or Fhkl) -- The structure factors (or called Fourier coefficients).
         h -- The reciprocal space coordinate system (normally given by (h k l)).

The Fourier transform of Equation 1845a gives the structure factor from the scattering density,
         scattering density of electron scattering, X-ray scattering, or neutron scattering ------------------------------ [1845b]
F(h) is normally a complex quantity.

In the XRD and electron diffraction analyses of a Hf crystal (a crystal with Hf elements), assuming that x % of Hf is randomly substituted by atom A, the structure factor Fhkl of the (h k l) reflection is then given by

         structure factor Fhkl of the (hkl) reflection ---- [1845c]

        fA, fHf, and fO -- The atomic scattering factors of A, Hf, and O, respectively.


