Dark-line Defects
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
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This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Defect degradation in LEDs (light emitting devices) is dominated by the motion of dislocations in the active region with the creation of the so-called dark-line defects (DLDs). The DLDs are line defects along the [100] and [010] directions that appear during device operation. Similar to dark patches, DLDs form from pre-existing defects.

Figure 2106a shows an example of cathodoluminescence (CL) images. This image was taken from a ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. The dark-line defects (DLDs) formed primarily along (100) directions ([100] and [010]) in the area (labeled A) photodegraded by an argon laser. Some DLDs marked by arrowheads are misoriented by 5 to 25 degrees from the <100> directions. "M" in the figure marks a misfit dislocation.

an example of cathodoluminescence (CL) images

Figure 2106a. Cathodoluminescence (CL) image taken from a ZnSe/GaAs heterostructure. Adapted from [1]

Figure 2106b shows a TEM (-220) bright field image taken from a photo-degraded CdxZnl-xSe/ZnSxSel-x heterostructure. This figure presents extended networks of dislocation tangles along the <100> directions corresponding to the two DLDs. The DLDs consist of extended dislocation loops. A small faulted defect labeled b was blocked by a large stacking fault labeled T during photodegradation. Along the trace of the faulted defect, very small dislocation loops (marked by arrowheads) were formed.

A TEM (-220) bright field image taken from a photo-degraded CdxZnl-xSe/ZnSxSel-x heterostructure

Figure 2106b. A TEM (-220) bright field image taken from a photo-degraded CdxZnl-xSe/ZnSxSel-x heterostructure. [1]






[1] L. Salamanca-Riba and L.H. Kuo, Observation of [100] and [010] Dark Line Defects in Optically Degraded ZnSSe-Based LEDs by Transmission Electron Microscopy, Journal of Electronic Materials, 25 (2) (1996) 239.



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