Joint Density of States (JDOS)
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -  

This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Band gap can be determined based on Bethe’s theory. In this case, the SSD (single scattering distribution) spectrum is described to be proportional to the product of the joint density of states (JDOS). Here, the JDOS is given by,
        Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range for a direct band gap, ------------- [2405a]
        Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range for an indirect band gap ------------- [2405b]
        I0 and c -- The constants.
        E -- The energy loss.

Therefore, Eg can be extracted by fitting the single scattering spectrum using Equations [2405a] and [2405b]. Figure 2405a shows the band gap determination of the HfO2 layer in a Si/SiO2/HfO2/poly-Ge stack by using Equation 2405a (direct band gap [Eg = 5.26 eV] for HfO2).

Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range

Figure 2405a. Band gap determination of the HfO2 layer in a Si/SiO2/HfO2/poly-Ge stack. Adapted from [1]




[1] Marie C. Cheynet, Simone Pokrant, Frans D. Tichelaar, and Jean-Luc Rouvière, Crystal structure and band gap determination of HfO2 thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 054101 (2007).




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