Applications of Wedge-shaped TEM Specimen in EM Analysis
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -  

This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Wedge-shaped TEM specimens can be used to verify the validity of theoretical modeling, for instance, performed for contrast analysis of HAADF STEM images. In Figure 2574, multislice simulation presents the total cross section of Au (gold) as a function of the number of atoms in a Au column.[1] In other words, the HAADF intensity depends on the atomic number (Z-contrast) as well as the number of atoms in the column. Without the need for a calibration standard, LeBeau et al. [2] were able to quantify the number and location of the atoms in the specimen from 4 to 33 atom column height when the experimental images taken from a wedge-shaped Au thin foil was compared directly with theory.

HAADF intensity as a function of the  number of atoms along the Au column, obtained by multislice simulation

Figure 2574. HAADF intensity as a function of the number of atoms along the Au column, obtained by multislice simulation. [1]







[1] Jiang J. Structural characterization and investigation of the growth mechanism for the pentacle nanowires. PhD Thesis, Tsinghua University, 2009.
[2] LeBeau JM, Findlay SD, Allen LJ, Stemmer S. Nano Lett 2010;10:4405–8.




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