In tilt electron tomograph:
Due to the strong interaction of the electron beam with the specimen, bright-field TEM imaging is mainly used in biological tomography but is in general inapplicable to the study of crystalline materials because the diffraction contrast and Fresnel fringes do not satisfy the projection requirement and can lead to serious artifacts in reconstructions. However, incoherent bright-field imaging has been proposed to overcome this problem [1].
The HAADF (high-angle annular dark-field) STEM imaging offers an excellent alternative due to its Z-contrast. However, in crystalline specimens, HAADF STEM images are also affected by channelling effect.
[1] Ercius, P., Weyland, M., Muller, D. A. & Gignac, L. M. Three-dimensional
imaging of nanovoids in copper interconnects using incoherent bright field
tomography. Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 243116 (2006).