Coupling between Aberration Corrector and Objective Lens
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
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This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


The example in Figure 3604 shows a TEM system facilitated with a C3/C5 corrector for spherical aberration corrections. To optimize the performance of the aberration corrections, the correctors need to be well coupled with the other lenses such as objective lens (OL). The QLM (highlighted in orange) is a quadrupole triplet, used for coupling the corrector electron-optically to the OL. Note that different from most commercial TEM systems (see schematic diagram of TEM systems), this TEM system without phosphor screen has the incident electrons emitted from the bottom of the systems and the detectors on the top.

schematic cross-section of the column.

【*】 Detectors: HAADF, BF, EELS

【*】 QOCM: Quadrupole/octupole module called quadrupole–
coupling module

【*】 Four round projector lenses: PL1, PL2, PL3, and PL4.

【*】 OL: Objective lens

【*】 QLM: Quadrupole lens module

【*】 C3/C5 corrector: quadrupole–octupole C3/C5 corrector

【*】 Three round condenser lenses: CL1, CL2, and CL3

【*】 CFEG: Cold field emission gun

Figure 3604. (a) The TEM column and (b) Schematic cross-section of the column. [1]



[1] Krivanek OL, Corbin GJ, Dellby N, Elston BF, Keyse RJ, Murfitt MF, Own CS, Szilagyi ZS, Woodruff JW. An electron microscope for the aberration-corrected era, Ultramicroscopy, 108 (2008) 179–195.



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