Image Contrast in Aberration-Corrected EMs
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -
This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.
The aberration-corrector has made it possible to use negative spherical aberrations giving bright atoms on a dark background, which actually enhances the contrast in the images compared with the images taken with a large, positive spherical aberration.
In images formed by elastic scattering (e.g. HRTEM images), contrast delocalization is referred to as the loss of image contrast due to lens aberrations or called blurring effect. In this case, the image information is blurred and displaced from their true locations in the TEM specimen. In other words, the contrast delocalization can also be expressed as the lateral displacement of spatial frequencies in the image. This displacement increases with spatial frequency significantly. It is rarely a problem on the microscopes with LaB6 guns due to their limited coherence in illumination. However, it is a significant imaging artifact in HRTEM images taken from microscopes with field emission guns (FEGs) due to their high coherence that causes a strong contribution of the high spatial frequencies. In aberration-corrected TEMs, this contrast delocalization can be minimized.
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