Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix
In many cases, each EEL spectrum should be corrected due to dark current and gain variations between the elements of the CCD detector and due to multiple scattering. Most TEM specimens are so thick that plural scattering is usually significant. The plural scattering is generally unwanted since it distorts the shape of the energy-loss spectrum. Multiple-scattering events remove EELS intensity from the zero- and lower-loss regions of a spectrum into higher-loss region, and thus increases the background for higher-energy losses. Furthermore, the background intensity increases more rapidly than peak intensities. In general, if the TEM specimen is too thick (t/λ > 0.4), a deconvolution process must be employed to remove the effect of plural scattering. However, if the TEM sample for EELS is very thin, the plural scattering can be negligible impact on the shape of the ionization edges. Table 4712a. Electron scattering versus TEM sample thickness.
Table 4712b shows that electrons interact with 1 electron, many electrons, 1 nucleus, and many nuclei in solids. Table 4712b. Effects of interactions of electrons in solids.
Plural inelastic scattering by plasmon excitation is a special concern when measuring the low energy loss (e.g. Li K-edge) because it is close to the low-energy plasmon region. For instance, double plasmon scattering distorts the pre-edge background and can mask the Li K-edge. On the other hand, plural scattering can originate from the contribution of combined energy losses from core and valence electron excitations. Artifacts due to plural scattering can be reduced by increasing the inelastic mean-free-path with the increase of the accelerating voltage of the electron beam or by restricting analyses to thin regions of the sample. Furthermore, in general, the EELS and EFTEM backgrounds originate from random, plural inelastic scattering events. In general, the requirements of TEM specimen thickness for EELS and EFTEM measurements are: To simplify the analysis of energy-loss spectra, Gaussian functions are often employed to simulate intensity profiles for both thin and thick samples. These functions provide a practical and mathematically straightforward way to model the peaks observed in the spectra, making it easier to interpret the data and understand the underlying physical processes. Gaussian functions are particularly useful due to their flexibility and ability to approximate a wide range of spectral features, facilitating the analysis of complex samples in EELS:
Figure 4712 shows the normalized intensities which are then plotted to visually compare the EELS spectrum for thin and thick samples.