Table 3749. Comparison among Grid Search, Bayesian Optimization, Random Search and Manual Search.
Grid Search |
Bayesian Optimization |
Random Search |
Manual Search |
Definition |
It systematically searches through a predefined set of hyperparameter values. |
It models the objective function and uses a probabilistic surrogate model to guide the search for the optimal hyperparameters. |
It randomly samples hyperparameter combinations from the predefined search space. |
Hyperparameters are manually selected based on domain knowledge or trial and error. |
Advantages |
Simple and easy to understand.
Exhaustive search over the entire hyperparameter space. |
Efficient in terms of computational resources, especially in high-dimensional spaces.
Adapts and focuses on promising regions of the hyperparameter space. |
Less computationally expensive compared to Grid Search.
Can be more effective than Grid Search in high-dimensional spaces. |
Allows for the incorporation of human expertise.
Quick and straightforward for simple models. |
Disadvantages |
Computationally expensive, especially in high-dimensional spaces.
May not be efficient in terms of time and resources. |
Requires careful tuning of its own parameters.
May not perform well when the objective function is not smooth or has discontinuities. |
It may not efficiently explore the hyperparameter space and might miss important regions. |
Prone to bias and may not explore the entire hyperparameter space.
Time-consuming and not scalable for complex models or high-dimensional spaces. |
Computational Cost |
Grid Search is the most computationally expensive, followed by Bayesian Optimization, Random Search, and Manual Search. |
Exploration Efficiency |
Bayesian Optimization is generally more efficient in exploring promising regions compared to Grid Search and Random Search. |
Ease of Use |
Grid Search and Random Search are relatively straightforward, while Bayesian Optimization requires more understanding and tuning. |
Expertise Incorporation |
Manual Search allows direct incorporation of domain expertise, whereas other methods rely on algorithmic search. |