

general apologies 一般道歉用语,
1. excuse me. 请原谅.
2. i’m so sorry. 很抱歉.
3. i’m awfully sorry. 非常抱歉.
4. i’m terribly sorry about that. 为此我非常抱歉.
5. i apologize. 我道歉.
6. my apologies. 我道歉.
7. please forgive me. 请原谅.
8. i hope you will excuse me. 希望你能原谅我.
9. it seems i owe you an apology. 好像我该向你道个歉.
10. you have my sincere apology. 我诚心诚意向你道歉.
11. please accept my sincere apology. 请接受我诚心诚意的道歉.
12. i can’t tell you how sorry i am. 我真的是很抱歉.
13. you cannot believe how sorry i am. 你不知道我感到多么抱歉.
14. words cannot describe how sorry i am. 语言无法描述我对你的歉意.
15. i just don’t know what to say. 我真不知该说什么好.
16. i really feel bad about it. 我真的感到很内疚.

apologizing for bothering someone 因打扰对方而致意.
1. sorry to be a bother. 不好意思打扰你.
2. sorry to be a pest. 不好意思打扰你.
3. sorry to disturb you again. 抱歉, 又来打扰你.
4. i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to bother you. 对不起,真不想打扰你.
5. i’m afraid i’ve brought you a lot of trouble.
6. my son must have put you to a lot of trouble.
7. i’m sorry to have caused you so much inconvenience.
8. sorry about the inconvenience. 对不起添麻烦了.

apologizing for one’s mistake 因自己的过失而道歉.
1. i’m sorry for what i’ve done. 我为我的所作所为向你道歉.
2. i shouldn’t have done that. 我不该那么做.
3. i should have asked you first. 我应该先征得你的同意.
4. i honestly didn’t mean it. 我的确不是故意的.
5. i didn’t mean to do that. 我并不想要那么做.
6. i didn’t mean it that way. 事情闹成那样并非我的本意.
7. i don’t know haw that could have happened.
8. you were right and i was wrong. i apologize.
你是对的, 我错了. 我道歉.
9. it’s my fault. i really feel bad about it.
是我的错. 我真的感到很难过.
10. it’s all my fault. i’ll try to make it up to you.
这事儿全怪我. 我会尽力补救.
11. my mistake. it won’t happen again.
是我的错. 不会再发生类似的事情了.
12. it was so stupid of me. i really do apologize.
非常抱歉, 我当时真糊涂.
13. i’m sorry, i spoke out of turn.
对不起,我说错话了. (out of turn: 轻率,不合时宜)
14. i owe you an apology for what i did last night.
15. forgive me, i didn’t mean to offend you.
请原谅, 我不是有意惹你生气.
16. please accept my apologies for any trouble my mistake has
caused you. 因为我的失误给你添麻烦了,请接受我的道歉.

accepting apologies 接受道歉,

1. that’s all right. 没关系.
2. you’re forgiven. 我原谅你.
3. that’s okay. 没事儿.
4. no harm done. 没什么.
5. no problem. we all make mistakes. 没问题. 人人都有犯错的时候.
6. never mind. 无所谓.
7. forget it. 忘掉它吧.
8. it’s not your fault. 那不是你的错.
9. it really doesn’t matter at all. 真的没关系.
10. don’t worry about it. 别放在心上.
11. think no more of it. 别再想它了.
12. don’t give it another thought. 不要再想了.
13. okay. i accept your apology. 好吧. 我接受你的道歉.
14. i won’t hold it against you. 我不会记仇的.
15. i’ll let you off this time. 这回我放过你.
16. i’ll give you another chance. 我再给你一次机会.



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