英语会话: 国际电话中的常用语


Hello. May I speak to Mr. Brown?
Yes, this is he speaking.
Who's speaking, please?
I'm sorry, he is not in now.
Would you like to leave a message?
Mr. Brown is on another line now.
Hold the line a moment, please.
May I have Ext. 5883?
I can't hear you.
Would you speak a little louder?
I'm sorry. I have the wrong number.
You are wanted on phone.
Will you ask him to call me back later?
I was cut off. Will you connect me again?
We'll call you back in a few minutes. Will you hang up and wait, please?
I want to place an overseas call to New York.
Could you tell me the time and charges after the call?
Sorry, I can't wait. Please cancel the call.
This is the Singapore operator. Would you connect me with Mr. Lee in the International Department?
This is the overseas operator in the United States. You have an overseas collect call from Mr. Smith in San Francisco. Will you accept the charges?



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