Electron microscopy
Comparison between Low- and High-Voltage EELS Measurements
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In general, EELS is only applicable to thin TEM films, and EELS measurements of thicker films is possible only in a high-voltage TEM. In other words, the applicable thickness is proportional to the increase of mean-free-path length with the energy of the incident electron beam. On the other hand, another advantage of EELS in high voltage TEM is that characteristic angle θE, for inelastic scattering, decreases with increasing the energy of incident electron beam. [1]. Therefore, Thickness verification is important to ensure that the TEM sample is in the appropriate thickness range at the operating voltage.














[1] J. Śevely, J.Ph. P ́erez, B. Jouffrey: Energy loss of electrons through Al and carbon films from 300 keV up to 1200 keV, in [Ref. 1.78, p. 32]



