Electron microscopy
ARRAY in C++
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DM does support such array collection. Instead, DM provides Tags to perform similar programming functions. In C++, an array is a collection of variables of the same type which are referred to by a common name. Arrays may have one to several dimensions; however, one-dimensional array is the most common arrays. Arrays offer a convenient way to group several related variables together. The most used array is the character array because it holds strings. The reason is that the C++ language does not define a built-in string data type but strings are implemented as arrays of characters for greater power and flexibility.

An one-dimensional array is a list of related variables. The general form of the one- dimensional array declaration is:
         type var_name[size];
         type -- Declares the base type of the array. The base type determines the data type of each element which are involved in the array.
         size -- Defines how many elements that the array holds.

An individual element within an array is accessed by using an index. The index describes the position of an element within an array. Arrays are common in programming because they let the users deal easily with large numbers of related variables.

Note that DM does support such array collection. Instead, DM provides Tags to perform similar programming functions.


