In machine learning, "Predicted Values" (often represented as ŷ, pronounced "y-hat") refer to the values or outcomes that a machine learning model predicts for a given set of input data points. These predicted values are the model's estimates or approximations of the target variable(s) it is designed to predict.
Here are a few key points about predicted values (ŷ) in machine learning:
Target Variable: Predicted values are associated with the target variable(s) in a supervised learning problem. In supervised learning, you have a dataset consisting of input features (X) and corresponding target values (y). The goal of the machine learning model is to learn a mapping from X to y so that it can make predictions (ŷ) for new, unseen input data.
Regression: In regression tasks, where the target variable is continuous (e.g., predicting house prices, temperature), the predicted values ŷ are continuous as well. These represent numerical estimates of the target variable.
Classification: In classification tasks, where the target variable is categorical (e.g., classifying emails as spam or not spam, identifying types of objects in images), the predicted values ŷ typically represent the predicted class labels or class probabilities.
Evaluation: Predicted values are used to evaluate the performance of a machine learning model. You can compare ŷ to the actual target values (y) to calculate various performance metrics, such as mean squared error (MSE) for regression problems or accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score for classification problems.
Visualization: Predicted values can be visualized to understand how well the model's predictions align with the actual data. Scatter plots, line plots, or confusion matrices are common visualization tools.
Model Selection: Predicted values are essential for model selection and hyperparameter tuning. Different models or configurations may produce different ŷ values, and you can choose the best-performing model based on how well its predictions match the actual data.
For instance, the predicted age (y^) of a dog in an example would be the output of the network without any activation function applied to it:
-------------------------- [3977a]
w1(i) is the weight for the single neuron in the output layer.
b1(i) is the bias for the single neuron in the output layer.