bct-type Packing Short Range Ordering of Metallic Glasses
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
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This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Figure 1690 (a) shows the CN (coordination number) dependence on the FV (free volume) in the Zr2Ni metallic glass (MG). FV increases statistically with decrease of the CN even although the FV is also related to other factors, e.g. atomic size. On the other hand, the atomic configuration of SROs (short range orderings) strongly depends on the CN. In the case of the Zr2Ni MG, the configuration with CN=12 is icosahedral (ICO) or face-centered-cubic (fcc) type SRO with no FV, CN=10 the body-centered-cubic (bcc) or body-centered tetragonal (bct) type, and CN=6 the trigonal prism (TP) as indicated by the insets. Figure 1690 (b) shows a representative ~1.5 nm cluster (including 64 atoms) taken from a densely packed region. The CN decreases gradually from the interior to the exterior area while the FV increases. The red octagons show schematically the distribution of the FV. The yellow circle reveals the core area with no FV.

CN (coordination number) dependence on the FV (free volume)

Figure 1690. (a) The CN (coordination number) dependence on the FV (free volume) in Zr2Ni metallic glass (MG), and (b) Example of CN and FV distributions. Adapted from [1]







[1] X. J. Liu, G. L. Chen, X. Hui, T. Liu, and Z. P. Lu, Ordered clusters and free volume in a Zr–Ni metallic glass, Appl Phys Lett, 93, 011911 (2008).




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