X-Ti Phase Diagrams
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -


This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Figure 2223a shows the Si-Ti phase diagram.

Si-Ti phase diagram

Figure 2223a. The Si-Ti phase diagram.

Figure 2223b shows the equilibrium Ti-N (titanium-nitrogen) phase diagram.

The equilibrium Ti-N (titanium-nitrogen) phase diagram

Figure 2223b. The equilibrium Ti-N (titanium-nitrogen) phase diagram.

Ti-O phase diagram

Figure 2223c. Ti-O phase diagram.

The Ti-Ni phase diagram

Figure 2223d. Ti-Ni phase diagram. [1-3]




[1] K. Otsuka, X. Ren, Physical metallurgy of Ti–Ni-based shape memory alloys, Progress inMaterials Science 50 (2005) 511–678.
[2] Massalski TB, Okamoto H, Subramanian PR, Kacprzak L, editors. Binary alloy phase diagrams, 2nd edition, vol. 3. Materials Park, OH: ASM International; 1990. p. 2874.
[3] Otsuka K, Kakeshita T. MRS Bulletin2002;27:91.





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