Standard FOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -  

This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Figure 2688a shows the possible FOLZ (first order Laue zone) reflections for three principal zone axes of an fcc specimen. Here, hU + kV + lW = 1.

Standard SOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures
Standard SOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures
Standard SOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures

Figure 2688a. The possible FOLZ (first order Laue zone) reflections for three principal zone axes of an fcc specimen. Allowed reflections are shown as green dots, forbidden reflections are indicated in red, and the blue dot shows the directly transmitted electron beam.

Figure 2688b shows the possible FOLZ (first order Laue zone) reflections for three principal zone axes of an bcc specimen. Here, hU + kV + lW = 1.

Standard SOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures
Standard SOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures
Standard SOLZ Diffraction Patterns for Various Crystal Structures

Figure 2688b. The possible FOLZ (first order Laue zone) reflections for three principal zone axes of an bcc specimen. Allowed reflections are shown as green dots, forbidden reflections are indicated in red, and the blue dot shows the directly transmitted electron beam.




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