Interline Transfer CCD
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
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This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.



As indicated in Figure 3968, the interline transfer (IT) CCD design incorporates horizontally- or vertically-oriented, optically shielded readout region of photo-sites located between the lines of photoactive cells (or pixels) in the array. This CCD operates in the similar way to the FT (full transfer) - CCD, except that much faster data transfer rates can be achieved due to the proximity of the active and readout regions of the array. The readout process is performed in two steps: i) The parallel readout step, which takes place at the end of exposure time. This fact allows the entire image to be transferred simultaneously from the photosensitive-sites to the output stage of the readout register. ii) In the serial readout step, charges from the storage section are shifted row-by-row to output, charge-to-voltage converter, and amplifier units. However, because this design has shielded photo-sites that are also exposed to the incoming light distribution, the spatial resolution of the IT-CCD is typically lower than that of a comparably sized FT-CCD.

Interline Transfer CCDs

Figure 3968. Interline Transfer CCDs.



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