Solar Cells
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A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, is a device converting the energy of solar radiation into electricity directly. Table 1374 indicates there has been a rapid growth of solar installation capacity in recent years. Figure 1374a shows the production cost versus cell efficiency of solar cell technology. Figure 1374b shows solar panels which are designed to absorb the sun's rays as a source of energy for generating electricity in solar cells.

Table 1374. 2005 photovoltaic solar installation capacity worldwide.

Country Year Installed Installed Capacity
% of World Total
Australia 2002 59 1.6
Germany 1999 1,430 38.6
Japan 1994 1,425 38.4
Netherlands 2004 52 1.6
Spain 2003 59 1.6
United States 2004 480 12.9

Production cost versus cell efficiency of solar cell technology

Figure 1374a. Production cost versus cell efficiency of solar cell technology.

Production cost versus cell efficiency of solar cell technology

Figure 1374b. Solar panels.


