Data Acquisition and Analysis using PC in EMs
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -  


This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.



PC (personal computer) is widely used for data acquisition and analysis in EMs.

Computer-assisted imaging and analysis has been proven to play an important role on highly accurate quantification of distribution of grain orientations. For instance, the orientation of individual grains can be determined by detecting the position of Kikuchi bands in electron backscattering patterns. Thousands of patterns can be captured and evaluated so that the grain orientations can be mapped [1].

Television (TV) camera for EMs is used to observe and/or record electron microscope (EM) images for computer input, in situ observation, and multi-user observation. The TV observation is performed by a TV camera in combination with a dedicated fluorescent screen. In this case, the EM image is converted to a light image by the fluorescent screen.

The procedures for indexing low zone axes electron diffraction  patterns of simple crystal structures are straightforward, but become significantly difficult for crystal structures with low symmetries and for high zone axes, in which many different combinations of interplanary spacings and angles presents similar diffraction patterns. In these cases, computer programs facilitate to index such diffraction patterns.




[1] Schwarzer, R.A. (1997) Automated crystal lattice orientation mapping using a computer-controlled SEM. Micron, 28 (3), 249–265.




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