EELS of Tin (Sn)
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
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This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


The nearly free electrons in the metallic tin (Sn) comprising the conduction bands give rise to the plasmon excitations of Ebulk = √2Esurface. Therefore, the predominant peaks originated from surface- and bulk-plasmon losses are at 10 and 14 eV respectively.

Figure 2300 shows REELS profiles taken from a polycrystalline Sn surface using a 200-eV primary beam, an incidence angle of 45°, and different collection angles β. The spectrum taken at the collection angle of 80° is the most surface sensitive of the three with the strongest peak of the surface-plasmon loss at 10 eV, and the one taken at 0° is the most bulk sensitive with the strongest peak of the bulk-plasmon loss at 14 eV. The dependence of the REELS signal on the collection angle is discussed in page2301.

REELS profiles taken from a polycrystalline Sn surface using a 200-eV primary beam, an incidence angle of 45°, and different collection angles β

Figure 2300. REELS profiles taken from a polycrystalline Sn surface using a 200-eV primary beam, an incidence angle of 45°, and different collection angles β. Adapted from [1]








[1] Gar B.Hoflund and Gregory R. Corallo, Electron-energy-loss study of the oxidation of polycrystalline tin, Phys. Rev. B 46, 7110–7120 (1992).


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