Elemental Bonding Analysis using EELS
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -


This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


In many cases, the elemental bonding can be analyzed by EELS. For instance, the EEL spectra in Figure 2617 presents boron(B)-bonding to other elements in Co–Rux–B-O catalysts. For the xRu = 0 sample, the spectrum shows both contributions of B-Co bonds and B-O bonds. For 0.13≤ xRu ≤ 0.7, the B-K edge is dominated by the signals from B-O bonds together with a smaller contribution of B-M (metals) bonds. For the xRu = 1 sample, the B-K edge shows the B–Ru bonds and a wide peak attributed to B-O bonds.

B K edges in the EELS spectra of Co–Ru–B-O catalysts

Figure 2617. B K edges in the EELS spectra of Co–Ru–B-O catalysts. [1]





[1] G.M. Arzac, T.C. Rojas, A. Fernández, New insights into the synergistic effect in bimetallic-boron catalysts for hydrogen generation: The Co–Ru–B system as a case study, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 128 (2012) 39– 47.




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