TEM/STEM Specimen Holders
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -


This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


TEM specimen holders are used to support and position the specimen grids into the TEM column and the electron beam path. However, if the holder design is improper or the operator is not careful enough, the specimen holders may transmit vibrations, drift, and contamination to the specimen, since the holders are the physical contact between the operator and specimen across the extraordinary vacuum range.

Different holders have been used depending on goniometer stage designs in TEMs. There are various commercial holders available for non-tilting, single-tilting, double-tilting, and in situ applications. Figure 2700 shows examples of TEM/STEM specimen holders.

TEM/STEM specimen holders

TEM/STEM specimen holders

Figure 2700. Examples of TEM/STEM specimen holders.




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