Two-beam Kinematic Electron Scattering/Diffraction
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -  

This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Starting from the two-beam kinematic diffraction theory, when the TEM sample thickness is very small, the extension (H) of the reflection in reciprocal space is very large. Therefore, Q is much smaller than πH so that the two-beam dynamical scattering theory can be approximated by two-beam kinematic diffraction theory, which suggests the intensity of an <hkl> diffracted beam given by,

         two-beam kinematic diffraction theory ------------------------ [2713a]
         Two-beam dynamical diffraction conditions / first Bethe approximation in TEM Measurements ------------- [2713a]
         I0 -- The intensity of the incident electron beam,
         S -- The illuminating area by the incident electron beam,
         Φhkl -- Fourier coefficients of an electrostatic potential,
         Fhkl -- The structure factors,
         A -- The thickness of the crystal in the TEM specimen,
         H -- The extension of the reflection in reciprocal space,
         σ -- The interaction constant between the incident electrons and specimen,
         Θ -- The half of the angle between the transmitted and scattered electron beams,
         ξhkl -- The extinction distance.

In the kinematic theory, the integrated reflection coefficient is given by,

         Two-beam dynamical diffraction conditions / first Bethe approximation in TEM Measurements ------------- [2713c]

         L -- The Lorentz factor in unit of length.





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