Glide and Dislocation Loops
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -  

This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


The glide loop in Figure 3454 shows the motion of different types of dislocations in response to the applied shear stress (τ). For the continuous sense vector (ξ) in the loop, the Burgers vector never changes.

As shown in Figure 3454, for the edge dislocations (i) and (ii), the cross product of ξ x b points to the extra half plane so that the dislocation segment (i) is a positive edge dislocation (+E, i.e. the extra half plane points out of the plane of the diagram), while segment (ii) is a negative edge dislocation (-E). For screw dislocation, the Right-Handed Screw dislocation (iii: RHS) is characterized by Sense vector and Burgers vector for a right-handed screw dislocations while the Left-Handed Screw dislocation (iv: LHS) is characterized by Sense vector and Burgers vector for a right-handed screw dislocations.

Glide and dislocation loops

Figure 3454. Glide and dislocation loops.





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