Software for EDS Spectrum Acquisition and Analysis
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Table 1753. Software applied to EDS measurement and analysis.

Software Functions
Bruker EDS software Record and/or analyze EDS spectra
FEI TIA software Record and/or analyze EDS spectra
NIST software engines Desktop Spectrum Analyzer (DTSA) [1] and DTSA-II [2] Peak fitting or quantitative analytical
“Noran System Six” (NSS) Record and/or analyze EDS spectra
Oxford INCA Record and/or analyze EDS spectra
Oxford ISIS system  

Each X-ray microanalysis software (or even different versions) usually provides several different choices of data correction procedures to users; however, an optimal choice obviously depends on proper knowledge of the relative merits of each method.






[1] Fiori C, Swyt C, Myklebust R: Desktop Spectrum Analyzer (DTSA), a Comprehensive Software Engine for Electron-Excited X-Ray Spectrometry, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Standard Reference Data Program, Gaithersburg, MD (1991). Available from the following World Wide Web site:
[2] Ritchie N: Desktop Spectrum Analyzer—II (2008). Available from the following World Wide Web site:

