Electron Stopping Power
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -



This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.



Electron stopping power (SP) and inelastic mean free path (IMFP) are two characteristic quantities to describe inelastic interactions of energetic electrons with matters, e.g. inorganic and bioorganic compounds. SP values are often used in Monte Carlo simulations of energetic electron transport in matters.

Different mechanisms can dominate the main effect on stopping power in different materials, for instance, in terms of dielectric response theory and using Penn statistical model, for organic materials the stopping power (SP, dE0/dS) can be given by [1],

           stopping power ------ [4439a]

where, S -- Path length, or called distance traveled
           a0 -- Bohr radius
           ħω -- Energy loss
           Im[-1/ε(ω)] -- Optical energy loss function (OELF)
           g(a) is given by,

       Electron Stopping PowerElectron Stopping Power -- [4439b]

       Electron Stopping Power ------------------ [4439c]

       Electron Stopping Power ------------------ [4439d]

       Electron Stopping Power ------------------ [4439e]

       Electron Stopping Power ------------------ [4439f]

To know more general concept on stopping power in general, refer to Stopping Power section.

In accurate EDS quantifications, the appropriate corrections such as stopping power, back-scattering, X-ray absorption and secondary X-ray fluorescence within the specimen, should be evaluated and applied to the raw EDS data.


[1] Zhenyu Tan, Yueyuan Xia, Mingwen Zhao, and Xiangdong Liu, Electron stopping power and inelastic mean free path in amino acids and protein over the energy range of 20–20,000 eV, Radiat Environ Biophys (2006) 45: 135–143.



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