Aberration Correction Through-focus Series Reconstruction
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
- An Online Book -


This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


One method for indirect aberration corrections is through-focus series reconstruction. [1 - 3] Similar to the holography method, the focus series method also measures the exit wave function in the image plane, ψim(g), and then restore the exit wave in the object plane, ψobj(g), by applying a numerical phase-plate exp(-2πiχ(g)). The aberration function χ(g) is determined independently. [3, 5] The restored exit wave in the object plane can provide atomic structure information without delocalization and better information limit.




[1] Coene, W. & Jansen, A.J.E.M. (1992). Image delocalisation and high resolution transmission electron microscopic imaging with a field emission gun. Scan Microsc 6 (Suppl.), 379–403.
[2] Coene, W.M.J., Thust, A., Op de Beeck, M. & Van Dyck, D. (1996). Maximum-likelihood method for focus-variation image reconstruction in high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy 64, 109–135.
[3] Saxton, W.O. (1994). What is the focus variation method? Is it new? Is it direct? Ultramicroscopy 55, 171–181.
[4] Thust, A., Overwijk, M.H.F., Coene, W.M.J. & Lentzen, M. (1996). Numerical correction of lens aberrations in phase retrieval HRTEM. Ultramicroscopy 64, 249–264.
[5] Lehmann, M. (2000). Determination and correction of the coherent wave aberration from a single off-axis electron hologram by means of a genetic algorithm. Ultramicroscopy 85, 165–182.




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