EDS Measurement of Cerium (Ce)
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Figure 1396 shows a deconvoluted X-ray spectrum taken from a material containing Ba, Ti, Ce, and Fe elements. The different colored peaks represent the contribution of the various elements. The grey area is the background corrected spectrum which is the sum of all the deconvoluted lines.

Deconvoluted X-ray spectrum taken from a material containing Ba, Ti, Ce, and Fe elements

Figure 1396. Deconvoluted X-ray spectrum taken from a material containing Ba, Ti, Ce, and Fe elements. [1]

With automatic elemental identification of NSS software, Ce cannot be identified. Instead, the software incorrectly suggests Ti, Fe, Co, Os, and Pb everywhere in elemental maps.








[1] T. Salge, R. Neumann, C. Andersson, M. Patzschke, Advanced Mineral Classification Using Feature Analysis and Spectrum Imaging with EDS, 23rd International Mining Congress & Exhibition of Turkey, 16-19 April, 357, 2013.





