Practical Electron Microscopy and Database

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2006)

Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - An Online Book

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

Determination of Band Gap from Low-loss Spectra in EELS

For some materials (especially wide band gap materials), the band gap (Eg) from low-loss spectra obtained by EELS technique can be determined by eye observation of the SSD (single scattering distribution) spectrum. In this case, Eg is defined as the energy corresponding to the first onset in the spectrum, for instance, 0.67 and 1.12 eV for Ge and Si respectively, in the schematic spectra in Figure 2406a.

Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range

Figure 2406a. Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range.

On the other hand, the band gap can also be determined based on Bethe’s theory. In this case, the SSD spectrum is described to be proportional to the product of the joint density of states (JDOS). Here, the JDOS is given by (e.g. Figure 2406b),
        Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range for a direct band gap, ------------- [2406a]
        Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range for an indirect band gap ------------- [2406b]
        I0 and c -- The constants.
        E -- The energy loss.

Inelastic intensity recorded from cubic GaN by using a monochromated TEM-EELS system, presenting direct and indirect electronic transitions

Figure 2406b. EELS intensity recorded from cubic GaN by using a monochromated TEM-EELS system, presenting direct and indirect electronic transitions. [14]

Therefore, Eg can be extracted by fitting the single scattering spectrum using Equations [2406a] and [2406b]. Figure 2406c shows the band gap determination of the HfO2 layer in a Si/SiO2/HfO2/poly-Ge stack by using Equation 2406a (direct band gap [Eg = 5.26 eV] for HfO2).

Schematic illustration of Si and Ge SSD spectra in the low-energy range

Figure 2406c. Band gap determination of the HfO2 layer in a Si/SiO2/HfO2/poly-Ge stack. Adapted from [1]

However, at very low energy losses, especially in the range of 0 to 5 eV, the current deconvolution methods for multiple inelastic scattering are not sufficiently accurate [2]. For instance, in this energy range, any differences between the experimental and modelled zero-loss peaks (ZLPs) can create large, random data spikes in the deconvoluted spectrum.

As shown above, several methods have been applied to determine the band gap from low-loss spectra in EELS technique. [3-7] However, such technique is not widely used for band gap measurements because of the presence of “parasitic” unwanted losses which are superimposed to the band gap signal. Fortunately, according to the simulations based on the so-called Kröger formula [17], all the unwanted losses, with only a small momentum transfer, happen at very low scattering angles and can, in general, be avoided by not using the scattering events in that small scattering range (in ~ μrad range) [11, 18]. That is, there is a large difference in scattering angles between the interband and “parasitic” signals so that the evaluation of band gap can be improved with a carefully chosen angular range to collect the electrons scattered away from the forward direction. [15, 16]

Table 2406a. Suggested solution of avoiding unwanted energy losses (in a ~ μrad semi-angle range) in band gap determination with low-loss spectra in EELS technique.
Factors or artifacts affecting measurement accuracy
Unwanted losses through the emission of Cherenkov radiation or the excitation of surface-guided light modes
Minimized by using an annular or off-axis collection aperture [11]
Minimized by subtracting spectra recorded with small and large collection apertures [11]
Subtracted spectra recorded with two different collection angles [13]
Zero-loss peak
Zero-loss peak tails extended to several eV
Minimized with a monochromator [10, 12]
Minimized by setting the parallel-recording spectrometer to a high enough energy dispersion (low eV/channel) [10]
Remove the high-energy tail by fitting and subtraction or by Fourier ratio deconvolution [11]
Band gap (Eg) position

Obtained with the intersection point of linear fits to the intensity rise and background, e.g. Figure 2406d.

Band gap mapping limited by delocalization of inelastic scattering

Bandgap measurements on SiO2 (silicon oxide) films in different thicknesses

Figure 2406d. Bandgap measurements on SiO2 (silicon oxide) films of different thicknesses. The band gap (8.9 eV) was obtained with the intersection of linear fits to the intensity rise and background. [12]

It is very general that the band gap is determined based on Kramers-Kronig analysis. For instance, Figure 2406e shows the EEL spectra of plasmon region (zero-peak is not shown) for crystalline and amorphous diamond. The loss function (Im[-l/ε]) can then be  obtained by removing contribution from multiple scattering using the Fourier-log deconvolution method.

EEL spectra of plasmon region for (a) crystalline and (b) amorphous diamond
EEL spectra of plasmon region for (a) crystalline and (b) amorphous diamond

Figure 2406e. EEL spectra of plasmon region for (a) crystalline and (b) amorphous diamond.

An optical absorption method can directly provide the imaginary part of the dielectric function, ε2, associated with a single electron excitation of an interband transition, while EELS cannot directly give ε2. Based on the obtained loss function, the real part1), and the imaginary part (ε2) of the dielectric function for the crystalline and the amorphous diamond are extracted using Kramers-Kronig analysis as shown in Figure 2406f. Table 2406b lists the onset energy (indicating the band gap energy) and the peaks in the imaginary spectrum obtained from Figure 2406f and the original interband transitions.

imaginary part (ε2) of the dielectric function for (a) crystalline and (b) amorphous diamond
imaginary part (ε2) of the dielectric function for (a) crystalline and (b) amorphous diamond
Figure 2406f. Real part1), and the imaginary part (ε2) of the dielectric function for (a) crystalline and (b) amorphous diamond.


Table 2406b. Onset energies (band gap energies), peaks in the imaginary spectrum in Figure 2406f and the original interband transitions.
Onset energy (band gap energy)
Peaks in imaginary spectrum
Interband transition
Crystal diamond
5.5 eV 8.2 Γ point
12.7 X and L points
Amorphous diamond
4.0 eV 7.2 eV Γ point




[1] Marie C. Cheynet, Simone Pokrant, Frans D. Tichelaar, and Jean-Luc Rouvière, Crystal structure and band gap determination of HfO2 thin films, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 054101 (2007).
[2] U. Bangert and R. Barnes. Electron energy loss spectroscopy of defects in diamond. Phys. Stat. Sol. (A), 204 (7): 2201–2210, 2007.
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[7] Svetlana Korneychuk, Bart Partoens, Giulio Guzzinati, Rajesh Ramaneti, Joff Derluyn, Ken Haenen, Jo Verbeeck, Exploring possibilities of band gap measurement with off-axis EELS in TEM, 189, 2018, 76-84.
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[15] Korneychuk, S.; Partoens, B.; Guzzinati, G.; Ramaneti, R.; Derluyn, J.; Haenen, K.; Verbeeck, J. Exploring possibilities of band gap measurement with off-axis EELS in TEM. Ultramicroscopy 2018, 189, 76–84.
[16] Stöger-Pollach, M.; Schachinger, T.; Biedermann, K.; Beyer, V. Valence EELS below the limit of inelastic delocalization using conical dark field EFTEM or Bessel beams. Ultramicroscopy 2017, 173, 24–30.
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