Electron microscopy
Neon (Ne) Ion Sputtering Yield in Milling
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Figure 1169 shows the Ne (neon) ion sputtering yield of various materials at Ne beam energies of 1 and 5 keV. The values for Sb, Te and Bi are enhanced for polyatomic sputtering (marked by the rectangles).

Ar (argon) ion sputtering yield of copper at Ar beam

Figure 1169. Ne ion sputtering yield of various materials (Z: atomic number) at Ne beam energies of 1 and 5 keV. [1]









[1] M.P. Seah, An accurate semi-empirical equation for sputtering yields, II: for neon, argon and xenon ions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 229 (2005) 348–358.


