Electron microscopy
Point Group -53m (Point Group -53m)
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The point group -53m (Point Group -53m) of icosahedral quasicrystals (e.g. AlMnPd, Al5.5Li3.3Cu, Al65Fe15Cu20, Al63.5Cu24Fe12.5, and almost spherical C60 molecule) is a 6-dimensional (6-D) group. This group acts on the 21-dimensional space of rank 4 tensors (Tijkm = Tjikm = Tijmk = Tkmij) with the symmetry of the elasticity tensor. Since this group contains a 2-dimesional pointwise invariant subspace, the elasticity tensor has 2 free parameters. Figure 1438 shows the schematic illustration of symmetry operations of point group Point Group -53m.

Schematic illustration of symmetry operations of point group -53m

Figure 1438. Schematic illustration of symmetry operations of point group Point Group -53m.


