Electron microscopy
mm2 Point Group
- Practical Electron Microscopy and Database -
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This book (Practical Electron Microscopy and Database) is a reference for TEM and SEM students, operators, engineers, technicians, managers, and researchers.


Point group mm2 belongs to orthorhombic lattices (see Table 2980). As indicated in page1592, mm2 denotes mirrors normal to x and y axes with a two-fold axis along z axis.

Table 2980. All space groups which have point group mm2.
Space Group Patterson Space Group Number of Symmetry Operators Crystal System Laue Class Lattice Type
Pmm2 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pmc21 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pcc2 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pma2 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pca21 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pnc2 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pmn21 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pba2 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pna21 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Pnn2 47 4 Orthorhombic mmm P
Cmm2 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm C
Cmc21 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm C
Ccc2 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm C
Amm2 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm A
Abm2 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm A
Ama2 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm A
Aba2 65 8 Orthorhombic mmm A
Fmm2 69 16 Orthorhombic mmm F
Fdd2 69 16 Orthorhombic mmm F
Imm2 71 8 Orthorhombic mmm I
Iba2 71 8 Orthorhombic mmm I
Ima2 71 8 Orthorhombic mmm I



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