Electron microscopy
Variables in C++ and DM
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In C++, all variables must be declared prior to their use because the compiler must know what type of data a variable contains before it can properly compile any statement that uses the variable. Technically, the variable simply has to be declared before it is first used. In C++, there are seven basic data types: character, wide character, integer, floating point, double floating point, Boolean, and somewhat surprisingly, valueless. The keywords used to declare variables of these types in C++ are char, wchar_t, int, float, double, bool, and void, respectively.

Variables can be localized to a block, namely, a variable can be declared inside any block of code and is then local to it. Note that a block begins with an opening curly brace and ends with a closing curly brace.

In C++, it is common practice to declare all the variables needed within a function at the beginning of that function’s code block. The reason is that anyone reading the code can easily determine what variables are used. However, the beginning of the function’s block is not the only place where local variables can be declared. In general, there are three places where variables will be declared:

         i) inside functions (called local variables). Such variables can be used only by statements that are inside that function and are not known to functions outside their own. A local variable can normally be declared anywhere, within any block of code. In many cases, variables are not declared until just before they are needed.
            In C++, local variables are created when the function is called, and are destroyed when the function is exited. Therefore, the storage for these local variables is created and destroyed in the same way. For these reasons, the value of a local variable is lost each time its function returns.) In some C++ literature, a local variable is also called a dynamic variable or an automatic variable.
            When a local variable, which is declared in an inner block, has the same name as a variable, which is declared in an outer block, the variable declared in the inner block will override the one in the outer block, within the scope of the inner block, for instance (script):
             variable declared in the inner block will override the one in the outer block
            In the example below, the EMi is declared within the initialization portion of the FOR and is used to control this loop only. Outside the loop, EMi is unknown (script):
            Then, an error message is shown when it is executed:
            In general, when the loop control variable of a FOR is not needed outside the loop, then declaring it inside the FOR statement is a good idea because it localizes the variable to the loop to avoid its accidental misuse elsewhere.

         ii) in the definition of function parameters (called formal parameters).
            If a function has arguments, then those arguments must be declared. That is, if a function uses arguments, it must declare variables that will accept the values of those arguments. These arguments are called the formal parameters of the function. The formal parameters behave like any other local variables inside the function. Therefore, you must make sure that the formal parameters, which you declare, are of the same type as the arguments you will pass to the function. This declaration occurs after the function name, inside the parentheses:
            EMFunction (int first, int last, char ch)
            The EMFunction ( ) function has three arguments, called first, last, and ch. Then, you must tell C++ what type of variables these are by declaring them so that these arguments can receive information passed to the function. Note that, like the other local variables, the values of the variables are lost once the function terminates.

         iii) outside of all functions (called global variables).
          Global variables are, in general, the opposite of local variables. The data of a global variable stay in existence throughout the entire execution of your program. The storage for global variables is correspondingly in a fixed region of memory set aside for the purpose of the program. Global variables can be created by declaring them outside of all functions. A global variable can then be accessed by any function. If a global variable and a local variable have the same name, all references to that variable name inside the function, in which the local variable is declared, will refer to the local variable and not to the global variable. That is, when a global and a local variable share the same name, then the local variable has precedence, for example1 and example2 below:
            comparison between locations_of_global_and_local_variables

Table 1144a. Comparison between among local variables, formal parameters and global variables.
  Local variables Formal parameters Global variables
Initialization Are initialized each time the function in which they are declared is entered   Are initialized only at the start of the program
Are not initialized will have unknown values before the first assignment is made to them.   Are initialized to zero if no other initializer is specified

Unnecessary global variables should be avoided mainly for three reasons:
            ◆ Such variables take up PC memory whenever the program is executing, not just when they are needed.
            ◆ Using a global variable, where a local variable is sufficient, makes a function less efficient.
            ◆ Using a large number of global variables can result in program errors because of unknown, and unwanted, side effects.

The value to a variable can be assigned by directly placing an equal sign and the value after the variable name. For instance, variable_name = value. Although variables are frequently initialized by constants, a variable can also be initialized by using any expression valid at the time of the initialization. Note the results of two scripts in Table 1144b are different.

Table 1144b. Comparison between two results from two different scripts.

Script A Script B

number EMa
number EMb

EMb = EMa
EMa = 2

result (EMb + "\n\n")

number EMa
number EMb

EMa = 2
EMb = EMa

result (EMb + "\n\n")




