Electron microscopy
C++ and DM Keywords
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There are 63 keywords currently defined for Standard C++ and C++ is a case-sensitive language, for instance, "return" is not the same as "RETURN". You cannot use any of the C++ keywords, in Table 1146, as identifier names. On the other hand, you should not use the name of any standard function, such as abs, for an identifier.

Table 1146. C++ and DM keywords. Part one lists the common keywords used in both C++ and DM, while Part two lists the keywords used in C++ only.

Part one: used in both C++ and DM

for if while try
return throw void break
else catch continue  
Part two: used in C++ only
auto enum operator switch
asm new this mutable
bool explicit private true
double export protected  
case extern public typedef
dynamic_cast false register typeid
char float reinterpret_cast typename
class namespace template union
const friend short unsigned
const_cast goto signed using
long wchar_t sizeof virtual
default inline static struct
delete int static_cast volatile




