Electron microscopy
Electron Diffraction of ReSix
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Table 971. Electron diffraction of rhenium silicides.

Rhenium silicides Electron diffraction
ReSi1.75 diffraction pattern of a plan-view prepared ReSi1.75 film
(a) Selected area (diameter: 200 nm) diffraction pattern of a plan-view prepared ReSi1.75 film on Si (100); (b) theoretical diffraction diagram of ReSi1.75 with zone axis [010] and four superposed patterns, each turned around 45°.  [1]

(a) Radial distribution function of Re-Si thin films with 58 and 65 at% Si-content and (b) correlation between the position of the first maximum of RDF (triangles, dotted line, error bars resulting from (a)) and the temperature coeffcient (circles, solid line) vs. the Si-content of Re-Si thin films.
The position of the first maximum of RDF represents the most probable distance between neighbouring atoms and decreases from 2.75 to 2.62 Å in films with an increasing Si-content from 60 to 75 at%.  [1]




















[1] D. Hofman, C. Kleint, J. Thomas, K. Wetzig, Investigation of thermoelectric silicide thin films by means of analytical transmission electron microscopy, Ultramicroscopy 81 (2000) 271-277.

