Table of Contents/Index
Introduction |
A | B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
Abundance in Earth's Crust of the elements |
Eccentricity |
Edge |
Edge dislocations |
EELS edge onset |
Screw dislocations versus edge dislocations |
Sobel edge filter (operator) |
EELS background versus edge onset |
TEM contrast/fringes at interface/edge between two materials |
Prewitt edge filter (operator) |
EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectra) |
Introduction of EELS (electron energy loss spectroscopy) |
Four-dimensional (4D) STEM-EELS |
History of EELS technique |
Range of energy losses of various EELS signals |
EELS intensity depending on areal density of atoms |
Areal density of atoms measured by EELS intensity |
Operation of EELS |
Sensitivity/detection limit/minimum detectable mass of EELS |
Density-functional theory (DFT) simulations of EELS profiles |
Inelastic scattering from outer-shell electrons shown in EELS profile |
EELS of rare gas solids |
Inner-shell excitation in EELS |
Energy dispersion in EELS |
Elastic-inelastic multislice simulation for EELS |
Sextupole lens application in GIF/EELS systems |
Collection efficiency of EELS |
Energy stability of EELS |
Data cube in energy-filtered TEM (STEM) based on EELS |
EELS spectrum energy drift/shift |
Spatially resolved EELS (SREELS) |
General thickness requirements of TEM samples for EELS/EFTEM/STEM |
Valence electron energy loss spectroscopy (VEELS) |
Multiple/plural scattering in EELS |
Unmeasurable energy loss in EELS |
K-edge of 3d transition elements in EELS |
EELS of alkali metals |
Electrical resistivity of materials studied by EELS |
Key Geometric, Materials, Thermal, and Electrical Tolerances in SEM |
EELS edge onset |
Objective lens versus EDS and EELS |
Cross-section (probability) of inelastic scattering in EELS measurements |
Dielectric-constant determination by EELS |
Aberration in EELS imaging |
EELS analysis of grain boundaries |
Dispersion compensation EELS |
Measurement of electron probe current with EELS spectrometer |
Voltage of incident electrons for EELS measurements |
Examples of theoretical interpretations of EELS profiles |
EELS of gaseous atoms and molecules |
EELS measurement in diffraction mode |
Shutter used in EELS and EFTEM measurements |
EELS & EFTEM measurements in aberration corrected TEMs |
Electronic noise in TEM/STEM/SEM/EELS/EDS systems |
Effects of chromatic aberration on EELS |
Effects of defocus on EELS |
EELS measurements in TEM imaging mode |
Vibrational spectroscopy in EELS |
EELS spectrum energy offset |
Elemental characterization in physical analysis of IC failure |
Drift & jump of EEL spectra or images |
Angular dependence of inelastic scattering of electrons |
Comparison between cathodoluminescence and EELS |
EEL spectra/image shift on camera caused by magnetic objects |
EEL spectrum energy (and zero-loss) drifts/shifts |
EELS intensity |
Diffraction effects on EELS intensity |
Ratio of the L3 to L2 white-line intensity for 3d/4d elements |
Mass-thickness effects on measured EELS signal/intensity |
Intensity and imaging comparison between elastic and inelastic scatterings |
EELS intensity and extraction of signal/line intensity |
Single scattering EELS spectrum and its signal extraction |
EELS: Comparisons with other techniques |
Comparison between XAS and EELS |
Comparison between EELS and AES |
Comparison between TEELS (EELS) and REELS |
Comparison between EDS and EELS |
Comparisons between HRTEM and EELS techniques |
Comparison between EFTEM and EELS mapping |
Comparison between infrared spectroscopy and EELS |
Comparison between low and high voltage EELS measurements |
EELS and EFTEM background |
Background subtraction in EELS & EFTEM |
Background variation in a single measurement |
Background variation in EELS and EFTEM due to composition variation in materials |
Background variation due to thickness variation |
Three window method for EFTEM/EELS mapping/quantification |
Fourier–log deconvolution in EELS |
Power-law fit: a background fitting model |
Jump ratio in EELS measurement |
Poisson distribution |
EELS background versus edge onset |
EELS limitations |
EELS: Ab-initio methods used in EELS |
Band structure (BS) methods used in EELS modeling |
EELS applications |
EELS analysis of ferroelectric materials |
EELS analysis of high-k dielectric materials |
EELS measurement through the multiple layers |
EELS: three distinct groups of spectral peaks |
Zero-loss peak |
Low energy-loss peaks |
High energy-loss peaks |
Zero-loss filtering in EFTEM |
EELS: High energy-loss peaks/Atomic ionization edge/core-loss edge in EELS profile |
Most possible scattering angle of incident electrons for atomic ionization/energy loss |
Cross section of EELS K shell ionization |
Core-loss peak broadening in EELS |
Gaussian focus for core-loss EFTEM imaging |
Crystalline phase analysis by EELS core-loss |
Intensity of EELS core-loss signal |
Elemental analysis by EELS and its limitations |
Periodic table for EELS analysis |
EELS: Low energy-loss peaks |
Determination of band gap from low-loss spectra in EELS |
Study of electronic structure by low-loss EELS |
Factors affecting contrast/intensity of elemental measurements (EELS & EDS)
Factors affecting EELS intensity |
Dependence of EELS/EFTEM on accelerating voltages of incident electrons |
EELS signal/intensity dependence on Z-(atomic) number |
Energy loss of incident electrons depending on sample thickness |
EELS signal/intensity affected by collection & convergence angles & apertures |
Dependence of EELS signal on TEM specimen thickness |
Mass-thickness effects on EELS signal/intensity |
Impact of anisotropy on EELS intensity in anisotropic materials |
Factors affecting EDS intensity |
Channelling/diffraction enhanced X-ray emission in EDS measurements |
Analysis of surface plasmon resonances affected by zero-loss peak and energy resolution |
Plasmon measurement in EELS |
Dielectric response/function of material valence electrons |
Valence electron energy loss spectroscopy (VEELS) |
Crystalline phase analysis by EELS plasmon |
Plasmon energy and mean free path in EELS (table) |
Theory on inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of electrons |
Origin of change of plasmon energy |
Determination of lattice parameters/strain by plasmon EELS |
Applications of plasmon mode in EELS for nanostructures |
Surface & bulk plasmon energy in EELS (theory) |
EELS: Zero-loss peak in EELS and its broadening/width |
Broadening of EELS zero-loss peak due to phonon scattering |
EELS ZLP broadening due to mechanical vibration |
Zero loss extraction in EELS analysis |
EELS resolution affected by asymmetry of zero-loss peak |
Zero-loss alignment in EFTEM measurement |
Analysis of surface plasmon resonances affected by zero-loss peak and energy resolution |
ELNES (energy loss near edge structure) |
Modeling of ELNES |
Energy loss near edge structure (ELNES) mapping |
EELS: Extended energy loss fine structure (EXELFS) |
Fine structure in EELS |
Crystal orientation/diffraction effects on EXELFS of EELS signals |
Coordination number study by ELNES & EXELFS |
Study of nearest neighbor distances by EXELFS |
Study of short range order (SRO) by EXELFS |
Atomic structure determination by EXELFS |
Study of electronic structure by EXELFS |
Shape of energy-loss spectrum |
EELS analysis and interpretation |
Analysis of white lines in EEL spectrum |
EELS analysis of nanometer sized objects |
Effect of chromatic aberration on fine structure analysis using EFTEM |
Multiple/plural scattering correction/removal in EELS |
Peak(signal)-to-background ratio in EELS |
EELS profile at interface between two thin films |
Applications of EELS technique & comparison of different EELS techniques |
Multiple linear least squares (MLLS) fitting |
Ratio of the L3 to L2 white-line intensity for 3d/4d elements |
Determination of band gap from low-loss spectra in EELS |
Deep level states in band gap analyzed by EELS |
Shoulder structure in EELS profiles |
Determination of elemental ratio using EELS |
Hartree-Slater model for electron excitation modeling & EELS |
Electron beam damage monitored by EELS |
Zero loss extraction in EELS analysis |
Fourier transform of EEL spectra and images |
Elemental bonding analysis using EELS |
EELS artifacts |
EELS artifacts/signal weakening due to misalignment of ZLP |
EELS artifacts from ultra-thin TEM specimens - surface effects |
Streaking artifacts in EELS images or profiles |
EELS artifacts induced by high beam current |
EELS artifacts due to crystalline orientation |
Electron channeling effects in EELS measurements |
Diffraction effects on EELS intensity |
Crystal orientation/diffraction effects on EXELFS of EELS signals |
EELS calibration |
Error of energy dispersion and its calibration in EELS measurements |
Energy calibration of EELS profile |
EELS data acquisition |
Optimization of experimental parameters/condition of EELS |
Streak imaging technique in EELS measurements |
Diffraction effects on EELS intensity |
Examples of TEM sample thickness used for EELS |
Examples of collection and convergence semiangles used in EELS |
Dark current and its removal in EELS and EFTEM |
Low electron beam current density to minimize specimen damage in EELS measurements |
Conditions to minimize electron-beam-induced reduction of materials in EELS measurements |
Degradation of EELS and EFTEM energy resolution due to binning |
Minimum electron dose for sufficient EELS counts |
“Effective” interaction volume for EELS measurements in TEM |
Optimizing EELS acquisition |
Difficulties/challenges of EELS measurements |
EELS measurements with low-energy incident electrons |
EELS detection of molecularly adsorbed species on surfaces |
Carbon contamination effects on EELS measurements |
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in the EELS Spectrum |
Qualitative interpretation of EELS spectra |
Optimized electron beam current for EELS/EFTEM measurements |
No GIF images/spectra: troubleshooting |
Gain normalization for EELS measurement |
Simultaneous EELS and EDS acquisition |
Comparison of data acquisition times of various techniques |
EELS deconvolution and background fit |
Fourier-log method for EELS deconvolution |
Fourier-ratio method for EELS deconvolution |
Deconvolution for noise reduction in EEL spectra |
EELS energy resolution improvement by deconvolution (energy spread of beam) |
Multiple linear least squares (MLLS) fitting |
Richardson-Lucy deconvolution |
Signal overlapping in EELS |
EELS detector/spectrometers |
Curved edge in EELS systems |
Single-channel electron detector |
EELS spectrometer categories: Two types |
Serial EEL spectrometer (SEELS) |
Parallel EEL spectrometer (PEELS) |
EELS limitations |
EELS energy resolution limited by geometric aberration |
EELS detection limited by radiation damage |
EELS energy resolutions affected by energy spreading of beam & improved by monochromators |
Elemental analysis by EELS and its limitations |
Delocalization in inelastic scattering |
Delocalization of EELS measurements |
Poor signal-to-noise-ratio for EELS of nanostructures |
Accuracy of EELS measurement |
Quantification of elements using EELS |
Selection of energy windows on accuracy of mapping and quantification |
Areal Density (atoms per unit area) |
EELS: Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) |
Depth sensitivity of REELS & Dependence of depth on primary electron beam energy/incident angle/collection angle |
Comparison between TEELS (EELS) and REELS |
EELS: Spatial resolution of EELS and EFTEM measurements |
EELS resolution affected by beam broadening in TEM specimen |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by collection angle |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by chromatic aberration |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM/inelastic imaging/elemental mapping |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by energy range |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by spherical aberration |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM affected by specimen thickness |
Spatial resolution of EELS in STEM mode |
EELS resolution affected by asymmetry of zero-loss peak |
EELS spatial resolution depending on specimen thickness |
Degradation of EELS spatial resolution due to specimen drift |
EELS: Sample thickness determination using EELS |
Specimen thickness extraction by Kramers-Kronig sum rule |
EELS: White lines in EELS |
Analysis of white lines in EEL spectrum (e.g. L3/L2 ratio) |
Analysis of valence states by white-lines in EELS |
L2,3 edges of EELS: white lines for 3d transition metals and their alloys |
L2,3 Edges of EELS: White Lines for 4d Transition Metals and Their Alloys |
Efficiency |
Efficiency of failure analysis in ICs |
Collection efficiency of EELS |
EFTEM (Energy filtered transmission electron microscopy)/Elemental mapping using inelastic electrons/Energy selected imaging (ESI) |
Data cube in energy-filtered TEM (STEM) based on EELS |
EFTEM operation |
Thickness requirements of TEM samples for EFTEM |
Energy filtered electron diffraction/electron spectroscopic diffraction (angular) |
Spatial drift correction in EFTEM imagings |
EFTEM imaging of aluminum |
Spectrum focus adjustment in EFTEM |
Spatial resolution of EFTEM/inelastic imaging/elemental mapping |
Artifacts in EFTEM images |
Iso-chromatic imaging in EFTEM |
Chemical shift detection of elements by EELS and EFTEM |
Non-isochromaticity of energy filter |
Correction of electron optical aberrations in EFTEM |
EFTEM system and operation principle |
Correction of magnification & its aspect ratio of TEM images |
Zero-loss alignment in EFTEM measurement |
Achromaticity correction in EFTEM |
Image distortion correction in FETEM |
Gaussian focus for core-loss EFTEM imaging |
Thickness correction of EFTEM and EELS measurements |
Vacuum range/efficiency & pump combination
eg & t2g symmetries/states |
Elastic imaging |
Difference of focus depth for inelastic (core-loss EFTEM) and elastic imaging |
Elastic scattering of incident electrons |
High angle elastic scattering of ions |
Intensity and imaging comparison between elastic and inelastic scatterings |
Elastic cross-section of a complex material |
Mott differential cross section |
Energy transfer in elastic scattering |
Elastic scattering of incident electron with an atomic nucleus |
Elastic scattering of electrons |
Low angle elastic scattering and coherence in TEM |
Angular dependence of elastic scattering of electrons |
Elastic scattering angle & diffraction angle |
Dependence of elastic scattering on atomic number |
Mean free path of electron scattering (elastic and inelastic) |
Mean free path of elastic scattering |
Elastic-inelastic multislice simulation for EELS |
Lenz model for elastic scattering distribution simulation
Elastic relaxation due to TEM-specimen thinning |
Electric field |
Electric field in electron source/gun |
Built-in electric field/potential at material surface due to electron irradiation |
Measurement of electric field using off-axis electron holography |
Electric displacement |
Electric technology |
Electrical |
STM holders for EMs |
TEM/STEM holders for in-situ electrical biasing |
Electrical failure analysis (EFA) |
Electrical overstress (EOS) failure mechanisms |
Electrical resistivity/resistance |
Table of electrical resistivity/conductivity of materials |
Effect of grain boundary on electrical properties |
Electrical properties of silicides |
Electrical stability of EM systems |
High voltage fluctuation/stability in microscopes |
Stability of lens currents in EMs |
Electromigration |
Void formation and circuit opening due to electromigration in ICs |
Short circuit failure due to electromigration |
Electromigration resistance induced by alloying |
Activation energy for electromigration (EM) |
Electromigration (EM) diffusion of copper |
Grain boundary diffusion mechanism of electromigration in interconnects in ICs |
Interfacial diffusion mechanism of electromigration in interconnects in ICs |
Retarding electromigration |
Grain size dependence of electromigration-induced failures |
Mean time to failure (MTTF) |
Median time to failure (MTTF) to electromigration |
Mean time between failures (MTBF) to electromigration |
Time to electromigration-induced failures |
In situ SEM observation of electromigration |
Oxygen vacancy migration induced by voltage |
Electron wind force |
Electromigration transport mobility of ions in materials |
Current density threshold causing electromigration |
Throughput in E-beam Inspection |
Electron traps in electron microscopy (EM)-related systems |
Electron affinity |
Periodic table for electron affinity |
Electron and its properties |
Properties of accelerated electrons |
Electron channelling |
Valence electrons |
Radius of path of electrons/charged particles in a magnetic field |
Comparison between X-rays and energetic moving electrons |
Electron atomic scattering factors |
Wave properties of charged particles |
Interaction between incident electrons and matters |
Core electrons |
Electron density (in solids) measured by EELS |
Mechanical, electron and ion probe diameters |
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)/Backscattered Kikuchi Diffraction (BKD) |
Camera length in EBSD |
Kikuchi lines in EBSD |
Sample preparation for EBSD analysis |
Spatial resolution & depth sensitivity of EBSD |
History of EBSD development |
EBSD detector |
Comparison between CBED and EBSD |
EBSD pattern formation |
Zone axes in EBSP for EBSD |
Band identification in EBSD |
EBSD measurements |
Pattern center determination in EBSD |
EBSD analysis |
Application of EBSD |
Grain boundary measurements with EBSD |
Kikuchi pattern contrast of EBSD depending on amorphous layer on surface |
Strain/stress analysis using EBSD |
Electron beam (e-beam) |
Effects of electron beam current/intensity changes |
Electron beam convergence angle and coherence |
Wave function of focused probe in STEM/SEM |
Electron dose of electron beam |
Incident electrons interacting with electrons in solids |
Incident electrons interacting with nucleus in solids |
Gaussian distribution of electron beam intensity/probe tail |
Tilt of electron beam in EMs |
Variation of electron beam current in EM columns |
Electron-beam-tilt-induced coma in TEM |
Electron-beam-tilt-induced image displacement in TEM |
Beam divergence effects on Fresnel fringes in TEM |
Electron beam (EB) application to semiconductor failure analysis |
Instability in accelerating voltage of electron beam |
Electron beam lithography (EBL) |
Comparison between FIB, electron beam and laser beam techniques |
Electron beam flooding/beam shower to eliminate contamination effects in EMs |
Attenuation of AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy) electrons |
Electron beam absorbed current (EBAC)/resistive contrast imaging (RCI) |
Electron beam induced current (EBIC) |
Electron beam-induced deposition (EBID) |
Amorphization of materials induced by e-beam Pt deposition |
Charging enhanced electron/ion-beam-induced-deposition |
Smallest structures obtained by dual beam SEM/FIB/STEM deposition |
Electron beam: Instability/Variation of Electron probe/beam in EMs |
Electron Beam Testing (EBT) |
Electron-Beam-Probing (eBP) |
Instability/variation of electron gun emission |
Stability of lens currents in EMs |
Electron crystallography |
Electron crystallography of proteins |
Electron detectors |
Electron capture detector (ECD) in EELS system |
Backscattered electron detectors |
Semiconductor detectors |
Backscattered electron detector in TEM/STEM |
Everhart-Thornley (ET) detector |
Electron diffraction in TEM |
Selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) |
Diffraction analysis in TEM |
Intensity of diffracted electron beam in TEM |
Comparison between X-ray (XRD) and electron diffractions |
Broadening of diffraction peak & phonon-electron scattering |
Broadening of diffraction intensities depending on grain size |
Diffraction of thick TEM specimen |
Diffraction spots originated from multiple atoms |
Relrod – a thin film diffraction effect in TEM |
Number of diffraction spots formed on screen/detector in TEM |
Precession electron diffraction (PED) |
Diffraction intensity in precession electron diffraction |
Diffraction contrast in TEM images |
Electron diffraction formation: Bloch-wave approach |
Advantages of electron diffractions |
Diffraction & aberration |
Diffraction analysis of small area or nanoparticles |
TEM sample thickness determination through diffraction |
Probe shift in TEM system when switching between diffraction and other modes |
Electron diffraction of face centred cubic (fcc) lattices |
HRTEM imaging and electron diffraction of hexagonal symmetry |
HRTEM and electron diffraction of crystals with trigonal symmetry |
Diffraction intensity distribution in reciprocal lattices |
Overall electron diffraction and Kikuchi lines depending on TEM sample thickness |
Accuracy of lattice spacing measurements by HRTEM/FFT/electron diffraction |
HRTEM images & electron diffraction of amorphous metallic glasses |
Zone-axis diffraction (ZAP) patterns |
Microdiffraction pattern/shadow image/Ronchigram in STEM |
Electron spot/beam size and shape limited by diffraction |
Double/multiple diffraction in electron diffraction patterns |
Interference between direct and diffracted beams in TEM |
Coherence between diffracted electron beams in TEMs |
Relationship between electron diffraction & image, and Fourier transform |
Two-beam dynamical electron scattering/diffraction |
Two-beam kinematic electron scattering/diffraction |
Integrated reflection coefficient |
Projector lenses and image/diffraction distortion in EMs |
Relationship between diffraction group and point group |
Standard SOLZ diffraction patterns for various crystal structures |
Comparison of lens conditions between TEM diffraction and TEM imaging modes |
Laue‘s diffraction condition |
Radial distribution function from electron diffraction patterns |
Purity of Z-contrast in HAADF-STEM (removing diffraction contrast) |
Focus of electron diffraction in TEM |
Shape of electron diffraction spots |
Crystal orientation/diffraction effects on EELS signals |
Determination of primitive unit cell by electron diffraction |
Halo feature in electron diffraction patterns |
Kinematically diffracted electron and X-ray beams & their intensities |
Electron diffraction pattern depending on electron wavelength/voltage |
Debye-Scherrer rings in electron diffraction patterns |
Relationship between electron diffraction patterns and stereographic projections |
Calibration of electron diffraction patterns |
EELS measurement in diffraction mode |
Strain/Stress measurement using electron diffraction |
Rotation method for three dimensional (3D) electron diffraction recording |
Determination of crystal structures using electron diffraction technique |
Gatan Orius SC200D CCD camera |
Electron diffraction: Acquisition/operation of electron diffraction patterns in TEM |
Diffraction variation due to beam tilt in TEM |
Diffraction variation due to TEM sample tilt |
Electron diffraction: Extra diffraction spots in TEM diffraction patterns |
Extra electron diffraction spots from perovskite crystalline structures |
Electron diffraction: satellite reflections |
Main and satellites reflections in electron diffraction patterns |
Modulation/satellite reflections due to mutually commensurate mismatch |
Electron diffraction patterns |
Asymmetric electron diffraction patterns |
Phonon effect on electron diffraction patterns |
Diffraction pattern formed in imaging condition/image plane/objective plane |
Diffraction spot and disk in diffraction patterns |
Diffraction spot and disk in diffraction patterns |
Inaccuracy/artifacts in electron diffraction and spurious intensities |
Angle between normals to planes/in electron diffraction pattern |
Visibility of electron diffraction |
Electron diffraction: Standard indexed diffraction patterns |
Standard indexed diffraction patterns for bcc crystals |
Standard indexed diffraction patterns for fcc crystals |
Standard indexed diffraction patterns for hcp crystals |
Electron diffraction pattern symmetries |
HRTEM and electron diffraction of crystals with trigonal symmetry |
Square symmetry in electron diffraction patterns |
Rectangular symmetry in electron diffraction patterns |
HRTEM imaging and electron diffraction of hexagonal symmetry |
Electron diffraction patterns of various materials |
Analysis of interatomic spacing of amorphous materials using electron diffraction |
Analysis of free volume of amorphous materials using electron diffraction |
Electron diffraction patterns of polycrystalline materials |
Diffraction patterns of silicon (Si) |
Diffraction patterns of cobalt disilicide (CoSi2) and cobalt silicide (CoSi) |
Electron diffraction patterns of amorphous carbon |
Misfit layer chalcogenides |
Electron diffraction: streaks, splitting
diffuse scattering of electrons in TEM |
Diffuse diffraction streaks in electron diffraction from columnar substructures |
Energy filter applied to observation of thermal-diffuse streaks in electron diffractions |
Streaks formed by smearing/blooming in CCD camera |
Diffuse scattering in electron diffraction due to crystalline disorder |
Elemental-ordering-induced diffuse streaks in electron diffraction patterns |
Phase-induced splitting of reflections in electron diffraction patterns |
Streaking of diffraction spots due to thin structures in TEM specimens |
Electron diffractogram in TEMs |
Background of electron diffraction pattern in TEM |
Contribution of partial temporal coherence to diffractograms |
Contribution of partial spatial coherence to diffractograms |
Contribution of mechanical vibrations to diffractograms |
Contribution of specimen thickness to diffractograms |
Contribution of specimen drift to diffractograms |
Contribution of transfer properties of detector to diffractograms |
Diffractogram vs spatial resolution |
Effect of random distribution of atom positions on diffractograms |
“Ghost Feature” in 2-D diffractograms |
Noise intensity of diffractograms |
Additional spots due to inadequate gain normalization (in diffractograms obtained by Fourier transformation) |
Diffractogram intensity of thin amorphous TEM specimen |
Diffractogram intensity spectra in TEM measurements |
Diffractogram & phase Contrast Transfer Function (pCTF) |
Diffractogram in FE-TEMs |
Diffractogram in CTEM with LaB6 or W electron guns |
Aberration measurement method based on diffractogram |
Correction of astigmatism of objective lens in TEM based on diffractogram |
Electron diffraction: Energy filtered electron diffraction/electron spectroscopic diffraction |
Energy filter applied to observation of weak reflections in electron diffractions |
Energy filter applied to observation of Kikuchi lines and bands |
Improvement of CBED analysis by energy filter |
Electron diffraction: Weak spots |
Weak spots related to superstructures in electron diffractions |
Effect of screw axis on electron diffraction patterns |
Electron emission and its coefficient under electron irradiation |
Yields |
Coefficients of elastic backscattering electrons |
Coefficients of inelastic backscattering electrons |
Secondary electron emission coefficient |
Dependence of emission coefficient of secondary electrons on atomic number and accelerating voltage of incident beam |
Electron–hole (e–h) pair |
Electron–hole (e–h) pair generation due to energetic beam irradiation |
Thermal e-h Pair |
Electron holography |
Electron lenses |
Rotationally symmetrical electron lenses/magnetic field |
Electron microscopes (EMs) |
Techniques in electron microscopes |
Column of electron microscopes |
Operations of electron microscopes |
Comparison between optical and electron microscopes |
Optics in electron and ion microscopes |
EM analysis of biological materials |
Vacuum levels and UHV (ultra-high vacuum) in EMs |
EM companies in stock markets |
Speed considerations in EM analyses |
Electron microscopy (EM) image analysis |
Highlight bright features in EM images |
Electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) |
Specimen preparations for SEM observation and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) |
Electron Relaxation |
Electron relaxation and Auger electron |
Electron relaxation and X-Ray |
Electron relaxation and light/cathodoluminescence |
Electron scattering |
Electron scattering with phonons |
Energy dependence of electron scattering |
Energy resolution of EDS |
X-ray generation by scattering of incident electrons |
Electron scattering from a specimen in EM measurements |
Electron scattering within TEM specimen |
Electron scattering within SEM specimen |
Energy of electron beam through TEM specimen |
Incoherent electron scattering (not-in-phase) |
Compton scattering of electrons |
Kinematic scattering of electrons |
Electron scattering categorized by occurrence probability (three types) |
Single scattering of electrons |
Plural scattering of electrons |
Multiple scattering of electrons |
Electron shells |
Electron subshells |
Electron source/gun/beam/probe in EMs |
Field-emission gun |
LaB6 filament |
Tungsten electron gun |
LaB6 electron gun |
Lifetime of electron gun |
Materials used for electron gun |
Schottky emission electron guns |
Cold field emission electron gun |
Wehnelt unit in electron source |
Thermionic emission |
Electron gun saturation |
Contamination in electron guns in EMs |
Flashing electron guns |
Electron beam current noise in EMs |
Charging and discharging in electron guns |
Gun-alignment/adjustment and its coil control system |
Emission current in electron guns |
Probe/beam current in EMs (TEM, STEM, SEM) |
Heating temperature of electron guns |
Reasons causing electron filament (gun) failure |
Vacuum of electron source/gun |
Bias electrode in electron guns |
Electrostatic gun lens in EMs |
Electron probe X-ray microanalyzer (EPMA) |
Measurement of electron beam/probe current |
Electron source: Electron beam diameter/size |
Large electron source |
Small electron source |
Electron source: Characteristics of electron source |
Electron beam distortion |
Evaluation of probe size in EMs |
Electron beam drift in TEMs |
Spatial coherence/incoherence of electron source |
Instability/variation of electron gun emission |
Brightness of electron gun |
Partial coherence of electron source |
Plane wave of electron beam |
Monochromatic electron source in EMs |
Electron beam convergence in TEM |
Electrons emitted at low & high angles from electron guns |
Temporal coherence/incoherence of electron source |
Solid angle of electron source (in electron gun) |
Thermo-ionic cathode for electron gun (thermal FEG) |
Energy distribution/spread/width of electron sources |
Electron-gun high-voltage power supply in EMs |
Electron beam distortion |
Electron energy in electron beams in EMs |
Electron dose inducing material damage in bulk and at sample surface |
Electrons passing through magnetic lens |
Electron spectroscopy |
Electron spectroscopy imaging (ESI) |
Electron wavefunctions |
Electron velocity/wavelength/high voltage |
Electron inelastic mean free path of elements and compounds |
Electronic |
Electronic technology |
Electronic optical imaging sensor |
Electronic noise in TEM/STEM/SEM/EELS/EDS systems |
Electronic structures/properties of materials and their detections |
Study of electronic structure by EXELFS |
Study of electronic structure by low-loss EELS |
Electronic point defects |
Electronic and optical interband transitions |
Electrostatic |
Electrostatic charging in EMs |
Electron motion in electrostatic and magnetic fields |
Electrostatic shutter in EMs |
Electrostatic gun lens in EMs |
Electrostatic force |
Castaing-Henry (C-H) magnetic prism/electrostatic mirror |
ESD (electrostatic discharge) failure of CMOS technology |
Electropolishing for TEM sample preparation |
Emission Microscopy (EMMI) for failure analysis in ICs |
Energy |
Energy of backscattered electrons |
Energy of secondary electrons |
Energy spread of electron beams in EMs |
Extra energy in crystals introduced by dislocations |
Incoherence/energy spread in SEM imaging |
Energy level diagrams for single atoms, dimers, clusters & bulk materials |
EELS energy resolution improvement by deconvolution (energy spread of beam) |
Diatomic bond strength/bond energy |
Energy change of incident electron after passing specimen |
Energy band of solids |
Energy dispersion |
Energy dissipation of primary electrons (PE) in materials |
Energy dispersion in EELS |
Error of energy dispersion and its calibration in EELS measurements |
Dispersion compensation EELS |
Energy filter in EMs |
Omega filter |
Wien filter |
Comparison of electron optics of various filters & spectrometers |
Post-column energy filters & spectrometers |
In-column energy filters & spectrometers |
Top-hat filter for EELS |
Dopant energy levels in crystalline silicon |
Energy gap in solids |
Energy loss function (ELF) in interaction of incident electrons with materials |
Mean energy loss per inelastic electron collision |
Energy resolutions of different spectroscopic techniques |
Energy resolution of EELS, its improvement methods, and experimental requirements |
EELS energy resolution limited by geometric aberration |
EELS energy resolution improvement by deconvolution |
Effects of entrance aperture/collection angle on EELS and optimization |
Analysis of surface plasmon resonances affected by zero-loss peak and energy resolution |
EELS energy resolutions affected by energy spreading of beam & improved by monochromators |
Energy/wavelength of moving electrons in vacuum |
Energy stability of EELS |
Energy-loss mechanisms in a head-on collision between an incident electron and nucleus |
Engines |
CFM56 engines |
Environmental SEM |
Environment/room/installation of EM systems |
Environmental/In Situ TEM/STEM observations |
Energy/momentum transfer from charged particle to matter |
Energy transfer for atomic displacement/knock-on process due to electron irradiation |
Energy transfer due to elastic scattering |
Energetic beam irradiation induced phenomena |
Excitation of the valence-band electrons due to energetic beam irradiation |
Entrance aperture in GIF camera |
Effects of entrance aperture/collection angle on EELS and optimization |
Hole mask/entrance mask in GIF system |
Envelope function |
Detector envelope function in EM imaging |
Spatial coherence envelopes |
Temporal-coherence envelope function |
Epitaxy |
Lattice-mismatched epitaxial alloy |
SiGe/Si system and its defects |
Quality of epitaxial layers |
Equivalent circuit diagrams |
Equivalent circuit diagram of PVC in FIB and SEM |
Equivocal space groups |
Escape depth |
Maximum escape depth of X-rays |
(Maximum) escape depth of secondary electrons and its surface sensitivity |
Escape peak in EDS/X-ray profiles |
Etching |
Etching/sputtering threshold energies by energetic electron & ion beams |
Etching of III-V/compound semiconductor materials |
Etching optimization to suppress IC failure |
Etchants used in semiconductor manufacturing |
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching |
KOH (potassium hydroxide) etching |
Eucentric height |
Standard focus/Eucentric height versus sample tilt in TEM |
Eucentric height of specimen in TEM and its adjustment |
Wobbler for finding Eucentric height of specimen in TEM |
Europium (Eu) |
Eu1-pCr2X4-p (X = S, Se) |
Eutectic point |
Evaporator |
Vacuum evaporator in EMs |
Excitation of electrons |
Excitation of the valence-band electrons due to energetic beam irradiation |
Critical excitation energy |
Excitation of inner-shell electrons |
EXELFS (extended energy loss fine structure) |
Extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) |
Experiments |
Success of EM experiments |
Extended defects in crystals |
{311} defects |
Stacking faults |
Dislocation loops |
External disturbances on resolution of EMs |
Charging in electron microscopes (EMs) |
Mechanical vibration effects on EMs |
Nonuniform magnetic properties of pole-piece material |
Fluctuation of stray magnetic fields |
Vacuum contamination in EMs |
Extinctions shown in electron diffraction patterns |
Extinction distance |
Electron extinction distances of various materials |
Dynamical extinction lines in CBED patterns |
TEM sample thickness determination by thickness fringes: extinction distance |
Exit wavefunction & intensity from STEM specimen |
Exit plane/object wave function from TEM specimen |
Expenses of EM and its related systems and services |
Extra diffraction spots in TEM diffraction patterns |
Experts in the field of electron microscopies |
Excitation coefficient for plane wave incidence |
Extraction voltage in electron source |
Extractor of ions in FIB |
Excitation error/deviation parameter of Bragg reflections |
Excitation error and Ewald sphere in CBED |
Exposure time |
Exposure/acquisition time limited by instabilities in EELS and EFTEM |
Binning versus saturation/exposure time in CCD camera |
Ewald Sphere |
Ewald sphere and excitation error in CBED |