Practical Electron Microscopy and Database

An Online Book, Second Edition by Dr. Yougui Liao (2006)

Practical Electron Microscopy and Database - An Online Book

Table of Contents/Index

Chapter/Index: Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Appendix

Abundance in Earth's Crust of the elements Eccentricity
Edge dislocations  EELS edge onset
Screw dislocations versus edge dislocations Sobel edge filter (operator)
EELS background versus edge onset TEM contrast/fringes at interface/edge between two materials
Prewitt edge filter (operator)  
 EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectra)
Introduction of EELS (electron energy loss spectroscopy)
Four-dimensional (4D) STEM-EELS  
History of EELS technique Range of energy losses of various EELS signals
EELS intensity depending on areal density of atoms Areal density of atoms measured by EELS intensity
Operation of EELS   Sensitivity/detection limit/minimum detectable mass of EELS
Density-functional theory (DFT) simulations of EELS profiles Inelastic scattering from outer-shell electrons shown in EELS profile
EELS of rare gas solids Inner-shell excitation in EELS
Energy dispersion in EELS  Elastic-inelastic multislice simulation for EELS
Sextupole lens application in GIF/EELS systems Collection efficiency of EELS
Energy stability of EELS Data cube in energy-filtered TEM (STEM) based on EELS
EELS spectrum energy drift/shift  Spatially resolved EELS (SREELS)
General thickness requirements of TEM samples for EELS/EFTEM/STEM Valence electron energy loss spectroscopy (VEELS)
Multiple/plural scattering in EELS  Unmeasurable energy loss in EELS
K-edge of 3d transition elements in EELS EELS of alkali metals
Electrical resistivity of materials studied by EELS  
Key Geometric, Materials, Thermal, and Electrical Tolerances in SEM  
EELS edge onset Objective lens versus EDS and EELS
Cross-section (probability) of inelastic scattering in EELS measurements Dielectric-constant determination by EELS
Aberration in EELS imaging EELS analysis of grain boundaries
Dispersion compensation EELS Measurement of electron probe current with EELS spectrometer
Voltage of incident electrons for EELS measurements  Examples of theoretical interpretations of EELS profiles
EELS of gaseous atoms and molecules EELS measurement in diffraction mode
Shutter used in EELS and EFTEM measurements EELS & EFTEM measurements in aberration corrected TEMs
Electronic noise in TEM/STEM/SEM/EELS/EDS systems Effects of chromatic aberration on EELS
Effects of defocus on EELS EELS measurements in TEM imaging mode
Vibrational spectroscopy in EELS EELS spectrum energy offset
Elemental characterization in physical analysis of IC failure Drift & jump of EEL spectra or images
Angular dependence of inelastic scattering of electrons Comparison between cathodoluminescence and EELS
EEL spectra/image shift on camera caused by magnetic objects EEL spectrum energy (and zero-loss) drifts/shifts
EELS intensity
Diffraction effects on EELS intensity
Ratio of the L3 to L2 white-line intensity for 3d/4d elements  
Mass-thickness effects on measured EELS signal/intensity Intensity and imaging comparison between elastic and inelastic scatterings
EELS intensity and extraction of signal/line intensity 
Single scattering EELS spectrum and its signal extraction
EELS: Comparisons with other techniques
Comparison between XAS and EELS Comparison between EELS and AES
Comparison between TEELS (EELS) and REELS Comparison between EDS and EELS
Comparisons between HRTEM and EELS techniques Comparison between EFTEM and EELS mapping
Comparison between infrared spectroscopy and EELS Comparison between low and high voltage EELS measurements
EELS and EFTEM background
Background subtraction in EELS & EFTEM Background variation in a single measurement
Background variation in EELS and EFTEM due to composition variation in materials  Background variation due to thickness variation
Three window method for EFTEM/EELS mapping/quantification Fourier–log deconvolution in EELS
Power-law fit: a background fitting model Jump ratio in EELS measurement
Poisson distribution EELS background versus edge onset
EELS limitations 
EELS: Ab-initio methods used in EELS
Band structure (BS) methods used in EELS modeling
EELS applications
EELS analysis of ferroelectric materials EELS analysis of high-k dielectric materials
EELS measurement through the multiple layers
EELS: three distinct groups of spectral peaks 
Zero-loss peak Low energy-loss peaks
High energy-loss peaks Zero-loss filtering in EFTEM
EELS: High energy-loss peaks/Atomic ionization edge/core-loss edge in EELS profile
Most possible scattering angle of incident electrons for atomic ionization/energy loss Cross section of EELS K shell ionization
Core-loss peak broadening in EELS Gaussian focus for core-loss EFTEM imaging
Crystalline phase analysis by EELS core-loss Intensity of EELS core-loss signal
Elemental analysis by EELS and its limitations Periodic table for EELS analysis  
EELS: Low energy-loss peaks
Determination of band gap from low-loss spectra in EELS Study of electronic structure by low-loss EELS
Factors affecting contrast/intensity of elemental measurements (EELS & EDS)
Factors affecting EELS intensity
Dependence of EELS/EFTEM on accelerating voltages of incident electrons EELS signal/intensity dependence on Z-(atomic) number
Energy loss of incident electrons depending on sample thickness EELS signal/intensity affected by collection & convergence angles & apertures 
Dependence of EELS signal on TEM specimen thickness Mass-thickness effects on EELS signal/intensity
Impact of anisotropy on EELS intensity in anisotropic materials  
Factors affecting EDS intensity  
Channelling/diffraction enhanced X-ray emission in EDS measurements  
Analysis of surface plasmon resonances affected by zero-loss peak and energy resolution Plasmon measurement in EELS
Dielectric response/function of material valence electrons Valence electron energy loss spectroscopy (VEELS)
Crystalline phase analysis by EELS plasmon Plasmon energy and mean free path in EELS (table)
Theory on inelastic mean free path (IMFP) of electrons Origin of change of plasmon energy
Determination of lattice parameters/strain by plasmon EELS Applications of plasmon mode in EELS for nanostructures
Surface & bulk plasmon energy in EELS (theory)
EELS: Zero-loss peak in EELS and its broadening/width
Broadening of EELS zero-loss peak due to phonon scattering EELS ZLP broadening due to mechanical vibration
Zero loss extraction in EELS analysis EELS resolution affected by asymmetry of zero-loss peak
Zero-loss alignment in EFTEM measurement Analysis of surface plasmon resonances affected by zero-loss peak and energy resolution
ELNES (energy loss near edge structure) 
Modeling of ELNES Energy loss near edge structure (ELNES) mapping
EELS: Extended energy loss fine structure (EXELFS)
Fine structure in EELS Crystal orientation/diffraction effects on EXELFS of EELS signals
Coordination number study by ELNES & EXELFS Study of nearest neighbor distances by EXELFS
Study of short range order (SRO) by EXELFS Atomic structure determination by EXELFS
Study of electronic structure by EXELFS Shape of energy-loss spectrum
 EELS analysis and interpretation
Analysis of white lines in EEL spectrum EELS analysis of nanometer sized objects
Effect of chromatic aberration on fine structure analysis using EFTEM Multiple/plural scattering correction/removal in EELS
Peak(signal)-to-background ratio in EELS EELS profile at interface between two thin films
Applications of EELS technique & comparison of different EELS techniques Multiple linear least squares (MLLS) fitting
Ratio of the L3 to L2 white-line intensity for 3d/4d elements Determination of band gap from low-loss spectra in EELS
Deep level states in band gap analyzed by EELS Shoulder structure in EELS profiles
Determination of elemental ratio using EELS Hartree-Slater model for electron excitation modeling & EELS
Electron beam damage monitored by EELS Zero loss extraction in EELS analysis
Fourier transform of EEL spectra and images Elemental bonding analysis using EELS
EELS artifacts
EELS artifacts/signal weakening due to misalignment of ZLP EELS artifacts from ultra-thin TEM specimens - surface effects
Streaking artifacts in EELS images or profiles EELS artifacts induced by high beam current
EELS artifacts due to crystalline orientation
Electron channeling effects in EELS measurements Diffraction effects on EELS intensity
Crystal orientation/diffraction effects on EXELFS of EELS signals
EELS calibration
Error of energy dispersion and its calibration in EELS measurements Energy calibration of EELS profile
 EELS data acquisition
Optimization of experimental parameters/condition of EELS Streak imaging technique in EELS measurements
Diffraction effects on EELS intensity Examples of TEM sample thickness used for EELS
Examples of collection and convergence semiangles used in EELS Dark current and its removal in EELS and EFTEM
Low electron beam current density to minimize specimen damage in EELS measurements Conditions to minimize electron-beam-induced reduction of materials in EELS measurements
Degradation of EELS and EFTEM energy resolution due to binning Minimum electron dose for sufficient EELS counts
“Effective” interaction volume for EELS measurements in TEM Optimizing EELS acquisition
Difficulties/challenges of EELS measurements EELS measurements with low-energy incident electrons
EELS detection of molecularly adsorbed species on surfaces Carbon contamination effects on EELS measurements
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) in the EELS Spectrum   Qualitative interpretation of EELS spectra
Optimized electron beam current for EELS/EFTEM measurements No GIF images/spectra: troubleshooting
Gain normalization for EELS measurement Simultaneous EELS and EDS acquisition
Comparison of data acquisition times of various techniques
EELS deconvolution and background fit
Fourier-log method for EELS deconvolution Fourier-ratio method for EELS deconvolution
Deconvolution for noise reduction in EEL spectra EELS energy resolution improvement by deconvolution (energy spread of beam)
Multiple linear least squares (MLLS) fitting  
Richardson-Lucy deconvolution Signal overlapping in EELS
 EELS detector/spectrometers
Curved edge in EELS systems Single-channel electron detector
EELS spectrometer categories: Two types 
Serial EEL spectrometer (SEELS)  Parallel EEL spectrometer (PEELS) 
 EELS limitations 
EELS energy resolution limited by geometric aberration EELS detection limited by radiation damage
EELS energy resolutions affected by energy spreading of beam & improved by monochromators Elemental analysis by EELS and its limitations
Delocalization in inelastic scattering Delocalization of EELS measurements
Poor signal-to-noise-ratio for EELS of nanostructures Accuracy of EELS measurement
 Quantification of elements using EELS
Selection of energy windows on accuracy of mapping and quantification  
Areal Density (atoms per unit area)
EELS: Reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS)
Depth sensitivity of REELS & Dependence of depth on primary electron beam energy/incident angle/collection angle Comparison between TEELS (EELS) and REELS
EELS: Spatial resolution of EELS and EFTEM measurements
EELS resolution affected by beam broadening in TEM specimen Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by collection angle
Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by chromatic aberration Spatial resolution of EFTEM/inelastic imaging/elemental mapping
Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by energy range Spatial resolution of EFTEM mapping affected by spherical aberration
Spatial resolution of EFTEM affected by specimen thickness Spatial resolution of EELS in STEM mode
EELS resolution affected by asymmetry of zero-loss peak EELS spatial resolution depending on specimen thickness
Degradation of EELS spatial resolution due to specimen drift
EELS: Sample thickness determination using EELS  
Specimen thickness extraction by Kramers-Kronig sum rule  
EELS: White lines in EELS
Analysis of white lines in EEL spectrum (e.g. L3/L2 ratio) Analysis of valence states by white-lines in EELS
L2,3 edges of EELS: white lines for 3d transition metals and their alloys L2,3 Edges of EELS: White Lines for 4d Transition Metals and Their Alloys
Efficiency of failure analysis in ICs Collection efficiency of EELS
 EFTEM (Energy filtered transmission electron microscopy)/Elemental mapping using inelastic electrons/Energy selected imaging (ESI)
Data cube in energy-filtered TEM (STEM) based on EELS EFTEM operation
Thickness requirements of TEM samples for EFTEM Energy filtered electron diffraction/electron spectroscopic diffraction (angular)
Spatial drift correction in EFTEM imagings EFTEM imaging of aluminum
Spectrum focus adjustment in EFTEM Spatial resolution of EFTEM/inelastic imaging/elemental mapping
Artifacts in EFTEM images Iso-chromatic imaging in EFTEM
Chemical shift detection of elements by EELS and EFTEM Non-isochromaticity of energy filter
Correction of electron optical aberrations in EFTEM EFTEM system and operation principle
Correction of magnification & its aspect ratio of TEM images Zero-loss alignment in EFTEM measurement
Achromaticity correction in EFTEM Image distortion correction in FETEM
Gaussian focus for core-loss EFTEM imaging Thickness correction of EFTEM and EELS measurements
Vacuum range/efficiency & pump combination
eg & t2g symmetries/states  
Elastic imaging
Difference of focus depth for inelastic (core-loss EFTEM) and elastic imaging  
 Elastic scattering of incident electrons
High angle elastic scattering of ions Intensity and imaging comparison between elastic and inelastic scatterings
Elastic cross-section of a complex material Mott differential cross section
Energy transfer in elastic scattering  Elastic scattering of incident electron with an atomic nucleus 
Elastic scattering of electrons Low angle elastic scattering and coherence in TEM
Angular dependence of elastic scattering of electrons  Elastic scattering angle & diffraction angle 
Dependence of elastic scattering on atomic number Mean free path of electron scattering (elastic and inelastic)
Mean free path of elastic scattering Elastic-inelastic multislice simulation for EELS
Lenz model for elastic scattering distribution simulation
Elastic relaxation due to TEM-specimen thinning  
Electric field
Electric field in electron source/gun Built-in electric field/potential at material surface due to electron irradiation
Measurement of electric field using off-axis electron holography Electric displacement
Electric technology  
STM holders for EMs TEM/STEM holders for in-situ electrical biasing
Electrical failure analysis (EFA) Electrical overstress (EOS) failure mechanisms
Electrical resistivity/resistance   Table of electrical resistivity/conductivity of materials
Effect of grain boundary on electrical properties Electrical properties of silicides
Electrical stability of EM systems
High voltage fluctuation/stability in microscopes Stability of lens currents in EMs
Void formation and circuit opening due to electromigration in ICs Short circuit failure due to electromigration
Electromigration resistance induced by alloying Activation energy for electromigration (EM)
Electromigration (EM) diffusion of copper Grain boundary diffusion mechanism of electromigration in interconnects in ICs
Interfacial diffusion mechanism of electromigration in interconnects in ICs Retarding electromigration
Grain size dependence of electromigration-induced failures Mean time to failure (MTTF)
Median time to failure (MTTF) to electromigration Mean time between failures (MTBF) to electromigration
Time to electromigration-induced failures In situ SEM observation of electromigration
Oxygen vacancy migration induced by voltage Electron wind force
Electromigration transport mobility of ions in materials Current density threshold causing electromigration
Throughput in E-beam Inspection
Electron traps in electron microscopy (EM)-related systems  
Electron affinity  
Periodic table for electron affinity
Electron and its properties
Properties of accelerated electrons  
Electron channelling Valence electrons
Radius of path of electrons/charged particles in a magnetic field Comparison between X-rays and energetic moving electrons
Electron atomic scattering factors Wave properties of charged particles
Interaction between incident electrons and matters Core electrons
Electron density (in solids) measured by EELS Mechanical, electron and ion probe diameters
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)/Backscattered Kikuchi Diffraction (BKD)
Camera length in EBSD Kikuchi lines in EBSD
Sample preparation for EBSD analysis Spatial resolution & depth sensitivity of EBSD
History of EBSD development EBSD detector
Comparison between CBED and EBSD EBSD pattern formation
Zone axes in EBSP for EBSD Band identification in EBSD
EBSD measurements
Pattern center determination in EBSD EBSD analysis
Application of EBSD Grain boundary measurements with EBSD
Kikuchi pattern contrast of EBSD depending on amorphous layer on surface  Strain/stress analysis using EBSD
 Electron beam (e-beam)
Effects of electron beam current/intensity changes Electron beam convergence angle and coherence
Wave function of focused probe in STEM/SEM Electron dose of electron beam
Incident electrons interacting with electrons in solids Incident electrons interacting with nucleus in solids
Gaussian distribution of electron beam intensity/probe tail Tilt of electron beam in EMs
Variation of electron beam current in EM columns Electron-beam-tilt-induced coma in TEM
Electron-beam-tilt-induced image displacement in TEM Beam divergence effects on Fresnel fringes in TEM
Electron beam (EB) application to semiconductor failure analysis Instability in accelerating voltage of electron beam
Electron beam lithography (EBL) Comparison between FIB, electron beam and laser beam techniques
Electron beam flooding/beam shower to eliminate contamination effects in EMs Attenuation of AES (Auger Electron Spectroscopy) electrons
Electron beam absorbed current (EBAC)/resistive contrast imaging (RCI) Electron beam induced current (EBIC)
Electron beam-induced deposition (EBID) 
Amorphization of materials induced by e-beam Pt deposition Charging enhanced electron/ion-beam-induced-deposition
Smallest structures obtained by dual beam SEM/FIB/STEM deposition
Electron beam: Instability/Variation of Electron probe/beam in EMs 
Electron Beam Testing (EBT) Electron-Beam-Probing (eBP)
Instability/variation of electron gun emission Stability of lens currents in EMs
Electron crystallography
Electron crystallography of proteins
 Electron detectors
Electron capture detector (ECD) in EELS system
Backscattered electron detectors Semiconductor detectors
Backscattered electron detector in TEM/STEM Everhart-Thornley (ET) detector
Electron diffraction in TEM  
Selected-area electron diffraction (SAED) Diffraction analysis in TEM
Intensity of diffracted electron beam in TEM Comparison between X-ray (XRD) and electron diffractions
Broadening of diffraction peak & phonon-electron scattering Broadening of diffraction intensities depending on grain size
Diffraction of thick TEM specimen Diffraction spots originated from multiple atoms
Relrod – a thin film diffraction effect in TEM Number of diffraction spots formed on screen/detector in TEM
Precession electron diffraction (PED) Diffraction intensity in precession electron diffraction
Diffraction contrast in TEM images Electron diffraction formation: Bloch-wave approach
Advantages of electron diffractions Diffraction & aberration 
Diffraction analysis of small area or nanoparticles TEM sample thickness determination through diffraction
Probe shift in TEM system when switching between diffraction and other modes Electron diffraction of face centred cubic (fcc) lattices
HRTEM imaging and electron diffraction of hexagonal symmetry HRTEM and electron diffraction of crystals with trigonal symmetry
Diffraction intensity distribution in reciprocal lattices Overall electron diffraction and Kikuchi lines depending on TEM sample thickness
Accuracy of lattice spacing measurements by HRTEM/FFT/electron diffraction HRTEM images & electron diffraction of amorphous metallic glasses
Zone-axis diffraction (ZAP) patterns Microdiffraction pattern/shadow image/Ronchigram in STEM
Electron spot/beam size and shape limited by diffraction Double/multiple diffraction in electron diffraction patterns
Interference between direct and diffracted beams in TEM Coherence between diffracted electron beams in TEMs
Relationship between electron diffraction & image, and Fourier transform Two-beam dynamical electron scattering/diffraction
Two-beam kinematic electron scattering/diffraction Integrated reflection coefficient
Projector lenses and image/diffraction distortion in EMs Relationship between diffraction group and point group
Standard SOLZ diffraction patterns for various crystal structures Comparison of lens conditions between TEM diffraction and TEM imaging modes
Laue‘s diffraction condition Radial distribution function from electron diffraction patterns
Purity of Z-contrast in HAADF-STEM (removing diffraction contrast) Focus of electron diffraction in TEM
Shape of electron diffraction spots Crystal orientation/diffraction effects on EELS signals
Determination of primitive unit cell by electron diffraction Halo feature in electron diffraction patterns
Kinematically diffracted electron and X-ray beams & their intensities Electron diffraction pattern depending on electron wavelength/voltage
Debye-Scherrer rings in electron diffraction patterns Relationship between electron diffraction patterns and stereographic projections
Calibration of electron diffraction patterns EELS measurement in diffraction mode
Strain/Stress measurement using electron diffraction Rotation method for three dimensional (3D) electron diffraction recording
Determination of crystal structures using electron diffraction technique Gatan Orius SC200D CCD camera
Electron diffraction: Acquisition/operation of electron diffraction patterns in TEM
Diffraction variation due to beam tilt in TEM Diffraction variation due to TEM sample tilt
Electron diffraction: Extra diffraction spots in TEM diffraction patterns
Extra electron diffraction spots from perovskite crystalline structures
Electron diffraction: satellite reflections
Main and satellites reflections in electron diffraction patterns Modulation/satellite reflections due to mutually commensurate mismatch
Electron diffraction patterns
Asymmetric electron diffraction patterns Phonon effect on electron diffraction patterns
Diffraction pattern formed in imaging condition/image plane/objective plane Diffraction spot and disk in diffraction patterns
Diffraction spot and disk in diffraction patterns Inaccuracy/artifacts in electron diffraction and spurious intensities
Angle between normals to planes/in electron diffraction pattern Visibility of electron diffraction
Electron diffraction: Standard indexed diffraction patterns
Standard indexed diffraction patterns for bcc crystals   Standard indexed diffraction patterns for fcc crystals  
Standard indexed diffraction patterns for hcp crystals  
Electron diffraction pattern symmetries
HRTEM and electron diffraction of crystals with trigonal symmetry Square symmetry in electron diffraction patterns
Rectangular symmetry in electron diffraction patterns HRTEM imaging and electron diffraction of hexagonal symmetry
Electron diffraction patterns of various materials
Analysis of interatomic spacing of amorphous materials using electron diffraction Analysis of free volume of amorphous materials using electron diffraction
Electron diffraction patterns of polycrystalline materials Diffraction patterns of silicon (Si)
Diffraction patterns of cobalt disilicide (CoSi2) and cobalt silicide (CoSi) Electron diffraction patterns of amorphous carbon
Misfit layer chalcogenides
Electron diffraction: streaks, splitting and diffuse scattering of electrons in TEM
Diffuse diffraction streaks in electron diffraction from columnar substructures Energy filter applied to observation of thermal-diffuse streaks in electron diffractions
Streaks formed by smearing/blooming in CCD camera Diffuse scattering in electron diffraction due to crystalline disorder
Elemental-ordering-induced diffuse streaks in electron diffraction patterns Phase-induced splitting of reflections in electron diffraction patterns
Streaking of diffraction spots due to thin structures in TEM specimens
 Electron diffractogram in TEMs
Background of electron diffraction pattern in TEM Contribution of partial temporal coherence to diffractograms
Contribution of partial spatial coherence to diffractograms Contribution of mechanical vibrations to diffractograms
Contribution of specimen thickness to diffractograms Contribution of specimen drift to diffractograms
Contribution of transfer properties of detector to diffractograms Diffractogram vs spatial resolution
Effect of random distribution of atom positions on diffractograms “Ghost Feature” in 2-D diffractograms
Noise intensity of diffractograms Additional spots due to inadequate gain normalization (in diffractograms obtained by Fourier transformation)
Diffractogram intensity of thin amorphous TEM specimen Diffractogram intensity spectra in TEM measurements
Diffractogram & phase Contrast Transfer Function (pCTF) Diffractogram in FE-TEMs
Diffractogram in CTEM with LaB6 or W electron guns Aberration measurement method based on diffractogram
Correction of astigmatism of objective lens in TEM based on diffractogram
Electron diffraction: Energy filtered electron diffraction/electron spectroscopic diffraction 
Energy filter applied to observation of weak reflections in electron diffractions Energy filter applied to observation of Kikuchi lines and bands
Improvement of CBED analysis by energy filter
Electron diffraction:  Weak spots
Weak spots related to superstructures in electron diffractions Effect of screw axis on electron diffraction patterns
Electron emission and its coefficient under electron irradiation
Coefficients of elastic backscattering electrons Coefficients of inelastic backscattering electrons
Secondary electron emission coefficient   Dependence of emission coefficient of secondary electrons on atomic number and accelerating voltage of incident beam
Electron–hole (e–h) pair 
Electron–hole (e–h) pair generation due to energetic beam irradiation Thermal e-h Pair
Electron holography  
Electron lenses
Rotationally symmetrical electron lenses/magnetic field
Electron microscopes (EMs)
Techniques in electron microscopes
Column of electron microscopes Operations of electron microscopes
Comparison between optical and electron microscopes Optics in electron and ion microscopes
EM analysis of biological materials Vacuum levels and UHV (ultra-high vacuum) in EMs
EM companies in stock markets Speed considerations in EM analyses
 Electron microscopy (EM) image analysis
Highlight bright features in EM images
Electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) 
Specimen preparations for SEM observation and electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)
Electron Relaxation
Electron relaxation and Auger electron
Electron relaxation and X-Ray Electron relaxation and light/cathodoluminescence
 Electron scattering
Electron scattering with phonons Energy dependence of electron scattering
Energy resolution of EDS X-ray generation by scattering of incident electrons
Electron scattering from a specimen in EM measurements
Electron scattering within TEM specimen Electron scattering within SEM specimen
Energy of electron beam through TEM specimen Incoherent electron scattering (not-in-phase)
Compton scattering of electrons Kinematic scattering of electrons
Electron scattering categorized by occurrence probability (three types)
Single scattering of electrons Plural scattering of electrons
Multiple scattering of electrons
 Electron shells
Electron subshells
 Electron source/gun/beam/probe in EMs
Field-emission gun LaB6 filament 
Tungsten electron gun LaB6 electron gun
Lifetime of electron gun Materials used for electron gun
Schottky emission electron guns Cold field emission electron gun
Wehnelt unit in electron source Thermionic emission
Electron gun saturation Contamination in electron guns in EMs
Flashing electron guns Electron beam current noise in EMs
Charging and discharging in electron guns Gun-alignment/adjustment and its coil control system
Emission current in electron guns Probe/beam current in EMs (TEM, STEM, SEM)
Heating temperature of electron guns Reasons causing electron filament (gun) failure
Vacuum of electron source/gun Bias electrode in electron guns
Electrostatic gun lens in EMs Electron probe X-ray microanalyzer (EPMA)
Measurement of electron beam/probe current
Electron source: Electron beam diameter/size
Large electron source Small electron source
Electron source: Characteristics of electron source
Electron beam distortion Evaluation of probe size in EMs
Electron beam drift in TEMs Spatial coherence/incoherence of electron source
Instability/variation of electron gun emission Brightness of electron gun
Partial coherence of electron source Plane wave of electron beam
Monochromatic electron source in EMs Electron beam convergence in TEM
Electrons emitted at low & high angles from electron guns Temporal coherence/incoherence of electron source
Solid angle of electron source (in electron gun)  Thermo-ionic cathode for electron gun (thermal FEG)
Energy distribution/spread/width of electron sources Electron-gun high-voltage power supply in EMs
Electron beam distortion   Electron energy in electron beams in EMs
Electron dose inducing material damage in bulk and at sample surface Electrons passing through magnetic lens 
Electron spectroscopy  Electron spectroscopy imaging (ESI)
Electron wavefunctions    
Electron velocity/wavelength/high voltage  
Electron inelastic mean free path of elements and compounds  
Electronic technology Electronic optical imaging sensor
Electronic noise in TEM/STEM/SEM/EELS/EDS systems
Electronic structures/properties of materials and their detections
Study of electronic structure by EXELFS Study of electronic structure by low-loss EELS
Electronic point defects Electronic and optical interband transitions
Electrostatic charging in EMs Electron motion in electrostatic and magnetic fields
Electrostatic shutter in EMs Electrostatic gun lens in EMs
Electrostatic force  
Castaing-Henry (C-H) magnetic prism/electrostatic mirror ESD (electrostatic discharge) failure of CMOS technology
Electropolishing for TEM sample preparation Emission Microscopy (EMMI) for failure analysis in ICs
Energy of backscattered electrons Energy of secondary electrons
Energy spread of electron beams in EMs  Extra energy in crystals introduced by dislocations
Incoherence/energy spread in SEM imaging Energy level diagrams for single atoms, dimers, clusters & bulk materials
EELS energy resolution improvement by deconvolution (energy spread of beam) Diatomic bond strength/bond energy
Energy change of incident electron after passing specimen Energy band of solids
 Energy dispersion
Energy dissipation of primary electrons (PE) in materials Energy dispersion in EELS
Error of energy dispersion and its calibration in EELS measurements Dispersion compensation EELS
Energy filter in EMs
Omega filter   Wien filter  
Comparison of electron optics of various filters & spectrometers Post-column energy filters & spectrometers
In-column energy filters & spectrometers Top-hat filter for EELS
Dopant energy levels in crystalline silicon Energy gap in solids
Energy loss function (ELF) in interaction of incident electrons with materials Mean energy loss per inelastic electron collision
Energy resolutions of different spectroscopic techniques 
Energy resolution of EELS, its improvement methods, and experimental requirements
EELS energy resolution limited by geometric aberration EELS energy resolution improvement by deconvolution
Effects of entrance aperture/collection angle on EELS and optimization Analysis of surface plasmon resonances affected by zero-loss peak and energy resolution
EELS energy resolutions affected by energy spreading of beam & improved by monochromators
Energy/wavelength of moving electrons in vacuum Energy stability of EELS
Energy-loss mechanisms in a head-on collision between an incident electron and nucleus
CFM56 engines
Environmental SEM Environment/room/installation of EM systems
Environmental/In Situ TEM/STEM observations   
 Energy/momentum transfer from charged particle to matter
Energy transfer for atomic displacement/knock-on process due to electron irradiation Energy transfer due to elastic scattering 
 Energetic beam irradiation induced phenomena
Excitation of the valence-band electrons due to energetic beam irradiation
 Entrance aperture in GIF camera
Effects of entrance aperture/collection angle on EELS and optimization Hole mask/entrance mask in GIF system
 Envelope function
Detector envelope function in EM imaging Spatial coherence envelopes
Temporal-coherence envelope function
Lattice-mismatched epitaxial alloy SiGe/Si system and its defects
Quality of epitaxial layers
Equivalent circuit diagrams
Equivalent circuit diagram of PVC in FIB and SEM
Equivocal space groups  
Escape depth
Maximum escape depth of X-rays  (Maximum) escape depth of secondary electrons and its surface sensitivity
Escape peak in EDS/X-ray profiles  
Etching/sputtering threshold energies by energetic electron & ion beams Etching of III-V/compound semiconductor materials
Etching optimization to suppress IC failure Etchants used in semiconductor manufacturing
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) etching KOH (potassium hydroxide) etching
Eucentric height 
Standard focus/Eucentric height versus sample tilt in TEM Eucentric height of specimen in TEM and its adjustment
Wobbler for finding Eucentric height of specimen in TEM
 Europium (Eu)
Eu1-pCr2X4-p (X = ˆS, Se)
Eutectic point  
Vacuum evaporator in EMs
Excitation of electrons
Excitation of the valence-band electrons due to energetic beam irradiation Critical excitation energy
Excitation of inner-shell electrons
EXELFS (extended energy loss fine structure) Extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)
Success of EM experiments
Extended defects in crystals 
{311} defects Stacking faults
Dislocation loops
External disturbances on resolution of EMs 
Charging in electron microscopes (EMs) Mechanical vibration effects on EMs
Nonuniform magnetic properties of pole-piece material Fluctuation of stray magnetic fields
Vacuum contamination in EMs
Extinctions shown in electron diffraction patterns  
Extinction distance Electron extinction distances of various materials 
Dynamical extinction lines in CBED patterns TEM sample thickness determination by thickness fringes: extinction distance
Exit wavefunction & intensity from STEM specimen  
Exit plane/object wave function from TEM specimen Expenses of EM and its related systems and services
Extra diffraction spots in TEM diffraction patterns Experts in the field of electron microscopies
Excitation coefficient for plane wave incidence Extraction voltage in electron source
Extractor of ions in FIB  
Excitation error/deviation parameter of Bragg reflections 
Excitation error and Ewald sphere in CBED
Exposure time 
Exposure/acquisition time limited by instabilities in EELS and EFTEM Binning versus saturation/exposure time in CCD camera
Ewald Sphere  
Ewald sphere and excitation error in CBED